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Third person's POV

Eunjoo is currently sleeping in her room, she is rolling on her bed, it's a real mess. Her face is much messier than her room. She slept with her big eye glasses on, her hair is a complete distaster.

"Seojun, wake her up!" Mama Shin shouted

Seojun annoyingly went to Eunjoo's room and slammed the door so loud. He kicked his sister out of the bed and shouted "Ya! Wake up! It's already 9 am! Don't make me throw you out of this house!"

Eunjoo opened her eyes and glared at her brother "Are you kidding me?"

"It's 9 am you dumb-" Seojun

"9 am?! What?! Are you joking right now?! Oh my gosh! I'm late!" she shouted and quickly stood up

"Yeah, you are late" Seojun

Eunjoo ran downstairs and started to search for her luggage "Mom! Where's my luggage?! I'm late! My flight is 10 am!"

"Luggage?" Mama Shin confusingly asked as she got out of the kitchen "What luggage? Didn't you unpacked your things yesterday?"

"What? Why would I unpack my things? Mom-" Eunjoo

"And what flight? Are you going somewhere?" Mama Shin asked

Seojun went downstairs laughing "Hahahahaha she's crazy, Mom. She just doesn't want to go to school that's why she's acting like a crazy one"

"Ya! Shin Seojun! I'm being serious right now! My flight is 10 am and you guyd are playing with me! Where the hell is my luggage?!" Eunjoo shouted and ran to her room

Seojun and Mama Shin were both confused of how Eunjoo is acting. They went to her room and caught her searching for her whole room.

"What is happening to you? You are scaring me" Mama Shin asked while still holding the ladle and has apron on

"You are scaring us" Seojun said while her eye brows are raising

"Bring out my damn luggage! I know you two doesn't want me to go! But I need to go, Mom! Please!" Eunjoo begged

"Huh?" Mama Shin and Seojun both said in unison looking at Eunjoo

Eunjoo stood up and started fixing her hair, she stood in front of the mirror "Aaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!" she shouted and fell on the floor

Mama Shin quickly ran to her and helped her "What is happening to you? Why did you shout?"

"M-Mom, w-who the hell w-was that?!" Eunjoo shouted

"Who?" Mama Shin

Seojun quickly closed the door as he entered the room "Y-Ya, Shin Eunjoo. You are really scaring me. D-Did you saw a ghost? Where?"

Eunjoo stood up and looked at the mirror once again "Why do I look like this?!"

"Ya! You always look like that! I thought you saw a ghost, dumb!" Seojun shouted

"I don't look like this. My face changed! I look like a goddess! I look beautiful! No! This is not happening!" Eunjoo shouted and started crying

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