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Felix's POV

"I don't know. I just want to confess to her just like what Hyunjin did"

"Oh, I love the confidence" Jisung said and threw me three boxes of perfume "You told me to buy you three. Now, pay me"

"I'll pay you later"

"Later?! Ya! I don't trust you" Jisung said and quickly took my wallet. He kept looking inside it "Ya! Why do you have a condom??!"

"What? They said it's lucky"

"Are you insane? That's not true. Eunjoo might think something wrong if ever she see this" Jisung laughed so loud as he took the money for the perfume I told him to buy

It's already 5pm and I am still in our room. I don't know how to tell Eunjoo. I want to ask her our. But damn. I'm nervous and scared.

"Felix, your phone is ringing" Jisung said and threw my phone at me "Who's that? It's unregistered number"

Unknown number calling...


[Hey, can I talk to you? I'm currently in the back garden of the stay in house]

"Who the hell are you?"

[You'll know if you will go here. So, I'll wait until you come]



It's girl's voice. She ended it before I asked another question. Now, what? I'm really curious about her. I should've not talked to her. Damn it.

"Who was it?" Minho asked as he entered our room

"I don't know. It's a girl. She told me to go to the back garden"

"Then, go" Jisung

"Why would I? I don't even know her"

"That's why you're going there to see who that girl is. Are you stupid?" Minho asked


I left the room and hurriedly went to the garden at the back of the stay in house. There's a small pond at the side. There, I saw someone familiar standing.

"Finally" she smiled

"Yara? Why the hell are you disturbing my rest?"

She sighed "Look, I didn't called you here to fight. I'm here to confess my feelings-"

"I like Eunjoo"

"I know. I'm here to let you go. I just want to confess that's it. Then, I'll let you and Eunjoo be happy" Yara

"Really? Then, confess"

She nodded and looked at me "I know I was wrong for getting in your way to make a move from Eunjoo. I apologize for my damn actions, for being flirty. I don't want to force you to like me but yeah. Please, forgive me. I just realize how much you like Eunjoo and there's no way you will like me back. I am really sincere. Don't stay away from me. I am willing to be friends with you and Eunjoo. I promise I'll do better this time"

"Are you really sincere?"

She pouted "Of course! Do you think I'm not? Stupid!"

"Alright then"

"Can I hug you for the last time? I just really want to hug you at least then I'll leave you alone" Yara

I nodded "Okay"

She hugged me tight "I'm really sorry. Please, forgive me Felix" she whispered and KISSED MY LIPS

What the fuck?!

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

She sighed "I can't help it. You look so amazing, Felix"

"Leave me alone, bitch" I said and pushed her because of disappointment. I quickly left the garden and went to our room. I slammed the door and went to the bathroom. Ew! I started brushing my teeth as hard as I can and kept washing my lips just to remove the traces. Damn it.

"Hey, are you okay?" Minho asked as he opened the door of the bathroom

"I'm not damn fine! He took advantage of me. That bitch kissed me!"

"Bitch who?" Jisung asked


"What?! Yara kissed you?! Hell" Jeongin said

"When did you get here?"

"After you left" Jeongin

Shit. I quickly cleaned my lips for the last time and went to my bed annoyingly. I quickly took the alcohol and put some on my lips. I know this is wrong but damn. I just can't leave it like that. She's so annoying. I swear she will be in hell the next time she do that again.

"I heard you're going to confess at exactly 6pm?" Minho asked


"And it's 6pm already" Jeongin


"Yes, you don't want to be late, right?" Minho asked

"Oh, Eunjoo replied to your message" Jisung announced and gave me my phone

"Why do you always have my phone?"

"Just curious" Jisung

I quickly looked at the text message that Eunjoo sent me.

From : Eunjoo

Yes, I'll go there now.

I left the room once again and ran as fast as I can to the garden. I saw Eunjoo standing where Yara damn kissed me. But that doesn't matter right now. I need to prepare to confess  now. This should be done perfectly. This is not just some typical confession. Eunjoo is counting on me. I should make this night perfect for her. I'll confess then I'll ask if I can court her.


She smiled at me "Hey"

"Thanks for coming here"

"It's fine hahaha. I'm not that busy" she chuckled and looked at my eyes "So, you called me here for?"

"I want to tell you something important"

She nodded "I also have something to tell you but you can say it first"

"I like you, Eunjoo. I want to be with you-"

"Felix, I-I'm sorry. We can't b-be together" Eunjoo

"Huh? What? Why? What do you mean?"

"I-I am in a relationship with someone" she said

"With who?"

"I am in a relationship with Kayden" she added

Damn it. What the hell is happening...

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