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Eunjoo's POV

I quickly sent the email, I just hope I will receive a reply soon. I really want to have it. Damn.

"Eunjoo! Can I borrow your laptop?" Seojun asked

"You have your own. Why borrow mine?"

"I just want to borrow it" Seojun

"I won't give this to you even if you will cry blood in front of me. Now, get out of my room!"

"Why are you so rude? I'm trying to be nice here" Seojun

"Stop acting, okay? It doesn't suit you"

"Alright! Give me your laptop or I will break your door in count of three" Seojun threatened

"Break it. I don't care. I can break it in front of you"

"Whatever!" Seojun shouted and left my room

I locked the door quickly and lied down on my bed. It's been a long day, you met new people today. You did a good job, Eunjoo. Just act like you don't care about them or their feelings. Just do what makes you happy that matters right now, okay?

I closed my eyes and slowly fell asleep...


I woke up when I heard my phone ringing like crazy.

Unknown number calling...


[Are you Ms. Shin Eunjoo?]

"Yes, who's this?"

[This is one of the staff from Stay Radio and we saw your email. You are accepted as a Dj. We want to know if you are okay to start today?]

"W-What?!" I shouted and fell on the floor

[Are you okay, Ma'am?]

"Y-Yes, I am super okay! Oh my gosh. Thank you so much"

[Can you go here later before your class? Since it's your first day, we want to know your schedules, so we will be adjusting the time]

"Yeah! Sure! Thank you! I'm going there!"

[Alright, thank you, Ma'am]

"No! Thank you so much!" I shouted out of joy and the call was ended by the caller

"Waaaaaahhhhh!!!! Oh my gosh!!!!!" I shouted as loud as I can

"Byeol! What the hell?!" Seojun shouted as he entered my room "What is happening to you?!"

I stood up and hugged him "I am accepted! Oh my gosh! I'm so happy to the point that I want to throw you out of this house!"

"Accepted? From?! Ouch! You fucking stepped on my foot!" Seojun shouted and pushed me

"Sorry, I am just too happy!"

"Get ready. I'm not going to wait for you" Seojun said and left the room

I went to the bathroom and took a quick bath. I wore my clothes for school because I still don't have any school uniform. We still need to get it later and also our pe uniforms. I dried my hair and tied it into a pony tail. I wore my eye glasses and carried my school bag downstairs. I saw my brother fixing his hair in front of the mirror.

"Are you two ready?" Mama Shin asked

"What the hell are you wearing Byeol?! Why are you wearing clothes like that?! Can't you just wear a jeans, white shirt and sneakers? That's better!" Seojun shouted out of frustration

"Why do you care? As if I'm going to walk with you all around the campus"

"Alright, don't you ever try call me when we see each other, okay? Don't tell anyone your brother is the most handsome guy in Stay University" Seojun said and left the house

I looked at Mama Shin "He is annoying"

"I know, he is really annoying" Mama Shin smiled and fixed my bangs "You are beautiful. Do well on your first day" she hugged me

"Thanks! I'll see you later!"

I left the house and got in the car.

"I will wait for you later at the convenience store near Stay University, okay?" Seojun said and started driving

"Just drive"

"Am I your driver?! Why are you sitting at the back seat?! You should be the one driving this car!" Seojun

"Do I look like I got some driver's license?!"

"Whatever" Seojun

I saw a dark gray car leaving Felix's house, the window opened and it was Felix driving the car. He looks hot but he is still the little Felix hahahaha.

After a couple of minutes we finally arrived at Stay University. I got out of the car and watched Seojun drove it away to the parking lot near college campus.

I was about to enter the University when the guard stopped me "Excuse me?"

"This is for students only, parents can't go inside" the guard said

I looked behind me and saw no one "Are you referring to me?"

"Yes?" the guard answered

"Excuse you, sir guard. I am not old and I am a new student here"

"You are?" the guard asked


"Let her enter, I think she's a student here" a guy said, he has a really cute but handsome look, he entered the University

"See? I look beautiful and you are telling that I look like a parent?!"

"Sorry, young lady. You may enter now" he smiled and opened the gate widely

He just offended me. Oh my gosh. I can't believe this. I went to the guidance room and sat on the empty chair.

"Are you Ms. Shin Eunjoo? These are your needs locker code, id, and your schedule. Inside your locker are your books, school and pe uniform" she smiled at me

I nodded and left the guidance room. I am fucking late. Why did I even talked to the guard?! I should've ran inside! Aaaaargh! It's my first day. I don't want to have leave bad impression!! I ran to the third floor and went to room 307.


You can do this, Eunjoo.

I knocked and the door opened "E-Excuse me, I am the new student"

"Please, enter and introduce yourself. You can sit in any seat you want after that" she smiled

I nodded and entered the room, I stood in front "I am Shin Eunjoo-"

Felix and I are classmates?!!!

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