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Third person's POV

Eunjoo is busy heating the food that her Mom cooked. She knows it's not even 30 minutes since the food was cooked but still!!! She wants Felix to drink a hot soup so he will sweat and he will be fine before their school trip.

She's boredly waiting for it to finished heating. She sat on the chair and opened her phone. She kept browsing on her funstagram account when she received a notification.

@yaraaa11 requests to follow you

Since her account is private and those who follows her can only see her posts. They need ask for request to follow her. Eunjoo is the class secretary and Yara is the new student. She wants Yara to not feel out of place so she accepted the request of the girl. She knows it's a little bit weird that she will follow her but still she accepted her request.

"Shin Eunjoo! The food is-" Felix didn't finished talking when Eunjoo quickly got up after she heard Felix shouted.

She suddenly remembered the soup she heated. She took it and put it in a bowl. She prepared the dinner for them both on the table.

Felix looks like a kid sitting at the chair while waiting for his food to be prepared in front of him. He is eyeing on Eunjoo "Ya, make it fast. I'm hungry"

Eunjoo glared at him and she just quietly sat as she finished preparing the dinner "Eat" she said

Felix started eating as soon as she heard Eunjoo's word. He didn't even asked her to eat. He is too hungry to do that and he also missed home cooked dinner. It's been a long time since he last ate a home cooked dinner. He would always eat outside with friends or order from restaurants.

"Ya" Eunjoo said, he didn't answered and just looked at her "Don't you think it's weird that Yara requests to follow a nerd?"

"A nerd?" Felix asked while chewing the pork

She nodded "You know in school, I am a nerd, opposite of Yara. She's beuatiful, sexy and everyone can go crazy over her. Why would she follow me? I mean yes, I am a class secretary but there's no way she followed me for that. Funstagram is not part of our subject"

"Then, reject her requests. What are you whining about? That's an easy thing to do" Felix said and continued eating his food "Aren't you going to eat?"

She shook her head as answer "I'm not hungry. Just enjoy everything, I'll just go upstairs" she said and gave Felix his medicine "Drink that after you eat. I'll bring the rest upstairs. Also, bring some water just in case" she said and went upstairs carrying the medicine and her phone

Felix sighed and rolled his eyes "I thought she's going to take care of me? Why is she ordering me around? In my own house. Wow. I'm paying her but I'm doing the work. Great"

Eunjoo lied down on Felix's bed. She's not planning to sleep beside him. She just wants to rest before Felix go there. Her heart started beating fast when she received a message from Yara.

@yaraaa11 : Hey, it's me. I just want to ask if I can hang out with you and Jihyun tomorrow? I'm feeling lonely. So, I thought it'll be cool to at least get close to the both of you. Is it okay?

"No, you're too beautiful to hang out with me" Eunjoo whispered and sighed, she can't say such words to her. She quickly replied to her message.

@ilabyeoool : Sure! I'll see you tomorrow.

She turned off her phone and stood up when she saw the door opened. It's Felix carrying a jar full of water, one glass and some chocolates. She took it from Felix and put it on the mini table at Felix's mini living room inside his own bedroom.

"Did you locked the doors and windows?" Eunjoo asked

Felix nodded "Yes, I'm so embarrassed to tell you about it. So, I did it. I hope you are happy"

"Just lay down and rest. I'll watch you all night" she said and sat on the small couch hugging her pillow

"Why would you watch me all night? Are you planning something?" Felix asked as he lied down on his bed

"Dream on. Just rest now" Eunjoo said

Felix completely lied down on his bed while his blanket is covering his body. He wants to sleep but he can't. The fact that Eunjoo and him are in one room kept bothering him. Also, Eunjoo is going to watch him all night. He also feels safe now. Before, when he is alone here and the house beside him was empty. He can't sleep comfortably but now he can...

Thanks to Eunjoo...

Eunjoo lied down on the couch facing Felix's direction "Aren't you going to sleep?"

"I can't sleep" Felix answered

"You have to" she answered back

"I know but I can't-" Felix

"Is there something bothering you? You can tell me" Eunjoo said and yawned so loud

Felix stayed quiet and stared at the ceiling. He is trying to adjust his self sleeping in one room with the girl she likes. Although that's not going to happen again, he still wants to adjust. Who knows? It might happen again and at that time, she's already his girl friend.

He smiled when he heard Eunjoo's little snore "I thought you're going to watch me all night" he whispered and stood up. He went to Eunjoo and sat on the mini table in front the couch where Eunjoo is sleeping "It looks like I'll be the one to watch you all night"

Felix lowered his head and put the small amount of strands of Eunjoo's hair behind her ears "I like you"

If only Eunjoo heard it...

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