✼ T H I R T H Y N I N E

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     "OKAY, Q, I know I'm handsome but what's with the death stare?"

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"OKAY, Q, I know I'm handsome but what's with the death stare?"

Quinn had, indeed, been staring at the Doctor since Amy had left to go find the other Time Lord. She stepped closer to him, leaning against the side of the console, "I know you Doc. You always have a plan. I know we didn't come here on accident, I know you planned for Amy, Rory and I to be far away from the TARDIS. Far away from here. Far way from the Flesh. I just can't figure out why, what is so special about this Flesh and what is your plan now."

The bow tie wearing alien stopped working on the console and turned to her, a troubled look on his face. "You know I care for you, Q," she nods as he hesitated, not sure how to bring his next words, "You know I care for you more... deeply than I should."


"Let me finish. I -I care for you, Quinn. I've always done so, but it seems I have realized this too late. And now you might be in danger and it is my fault."

The raven haired stared at him in confusion, she genuinely had no idea what he was talking about. That only rarely happened. Yes, he's always had a greater knowledge of, well, everything. But she's almost always mysteriously known bits and pieces about stuff too. So, she'd always been able to, at some extent, figure out his plan and help him. Now, though, she was just absolutely clueless.

"Doc, what are you talking about? I'm here," she lowered herself into a crouched position so she was at his eye level as he sat in the chair. She pressed her forehead to his, looking him right in the eyes and cupping his cheeks. "I'm here, I'm safe, I'm with you."

And while she thought that that might bring him comfort, the Time Lord simply took her hands from his face, kissed them each delicately before releasing a sigh. "I wish that was true, Q. But relax, I'll be there soon."

He then backed his chair away, going back to work on the console board. Quinn was left standing in a crouched position with a stunned look on her face as she tried to process his words. Not a second later, Amy came storming in with a huff, the other Doctor coming in right behind her, "Keep him away from me!"

Quinn immediately shook out of her daze and jumped up. She hastily made her way towards the ginger, "Ames, you okay?"

Amy shook her head, staring at the ground in distress. The raven haired brought her into a side hug and tried to comfort her, "Hey, Ames, look at me," Amy did. "I'm here. We're okay."

The ginger nodded slowly as the other Doctor turned to them, "Amy, I'm sorry."

"No, you keep away!" Amy shielded herself slightly behind Quinn. "We can't trust you."

𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐫 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬¹ (  Doctor Who ) Where stories live. Discover now