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CHAPTER THREE Flesh and stone

CHAPTER THREE ➸ Flesh and stone

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        "UP. LOOK UP." The Doctor instructed not even a second later. Everyone struggled to their feet after the smoke cleared.

    River turned to Amy. "Are you okay?"

    Instead of answering her question, Amy looked around in a daze. "What happened?"

    Quinn, who had also just gotten to her feet and was suddenly standing in an old and dusty looking armor, answered her. "We jumped. Just as the Doctor wanted."

    The Doctor looked up momentarily and smirked at the woman. "Told you didn't I?"

    "Oh, shut up." She grumbled with a roll of her eyes.

    The Time Lord shot her another smirk before going back to his sonic screwdriver.

    "But jumped where?" Amy asked after rolling her eyes at the antics of Quinn and the Doctor.

    "Up. Up. Look up." He told her.

    The ginger turned to Quinn and River -Who stood next to each other-  after the Doctor's vague answer. "Where are we?"

    "Exactly where we were." They answered in unison.

    "No we're not." Said Amy while frowning.

    The Doctor suddenly crouched down by her and pushed her legs a little. "Move your feet." He instructed while holding out his sonic screwdriver.

    He soniced a circular hatch in the floor, with six inset lights around it. "Doctor, What am I looking at? Explain." Amy demanded.

    "Oh, come on, Amy, think. The ship crashed with the power still on, yeah? So what else is still on?"

    Most of the clerics and Amy looked up to see that everyone stood upside down on the belt of the crashed ship.

    "The artificial gravity." Quinn said and made a wild hand gesture. "It's because of the grav globe."

    The Doctor gave a nod of his hand. "One good jump, and up we fell. Shot out the grav globe to give us an updraft, and here we are."

    "Doctor, Ms. Williams, the statues. They look more like Angels now." Octavian spoke up, his gun ready in his hands as he looked up to see the Angels.

    "Yeah, they should," Quinn sighed, dusting off her armor a little. She never liked being in it, it brought back weird memories -or at least, she thought it were memories- but now, with all the Angels around, she thought the armor would be smart.

    The Doctor agreed with the Israelis woman. "They're feeding on the radiation from the wreckage, draining all the power from the ship, restoring themselves. Within an hour, they'll be an army."

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