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          FROM THE OUTSIDE of Amy's stark white doors suddenly erupted knocking

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FROM THE OUTSIDE of Amy's stark white doors suddenly erupted knocking. The ginger ran about for a moment to try and find a weapon to defend herself with. "Who's that, who's there?" She settled on something that looked like a mechanic toothbrush. "You watch it, cos I'm armed and really dangerous and... cross."

"Yeah, like I don't know that." Said a familiar voice from outside her room. Amy's hand immediately lowered as she breathed a sigh of relief at the voice of her husband, "Rory? Rory, is that you?"

"Yeah, it's me," he replied and Amy could faintly hear the familiar sound of the Doctor's sonic screwdriver being used to open the doors that separated husband and wife. "Hang on a minute."

As she waited for the doors to unlock, the ginger said, "They took them. Rory, they took our babies away."

The door slid open just then to reveal Rory in his Centurion outfit, in his hand the big bassinet containing his children. "Now, Mrs.Williams... that is never, ever going to happen."

He walked over to his wife while she rushed forward to meet him halfway. "Oh, my God. Oh, my God," Amy took baby Melody from the bassinet while Rory put the item to the side as he took baby Kyra in his arms. "Where have they been, what have they done to them..."

"They're fine. Amy, they're fine, I checked. They're beautiful," tears started to drop from his eyelids as he looked from one of his daughters to the others. "Oh, God. I was going to be cool. I wanted to be cool, look at me."

"You're okay," said Amy and she wriggled a hand free to place it upon his cheek. "Crying Roman with a baby, definitely cool. Come here, you!" She pulled him into a kiss, being mindful of the twins in their arms.

The Doctor emerged from the hallway and into the door opening, he grimaced at the kissing couple. "Ugh, kissing and crying. I'll be back in a bit."

He turned to leave but Rory called him back with a stern voice, "Oi! You! Get in here. Now."

The Time Lord hurried over with a smile on his face. He pointed from one baby to another, causing Rory to say, "My daughters. What do you think?"

"Hello. Hello babies!" He wiggled his fingers at them in greeting, to which the new parents laughed. "Melody," said Amy as she introduced the baby in her arms, then she nodded at the baby held by Rory. "And Kyra Quinn."

The Doctor chocked on his spit, "Kyra? As in... the Gallifreyan Kyra?"

Amy smiled brightly and nodded, "Yes. Quinnie thought me the definition and I love it."


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