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CHAPTER FIFTEEN Vincent, Quinn and the Doctor

        QUINN HAD SEEN the look on Vincent's face when those words left the Doctor's mouth

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QUINN HAD SEEN the look on Vincent's face when those words left the Doctor's mouth. Because of that, she had urged the Time Lord to go and talk to the painter, to try and cheer him up. But when the Doctor came back without Vincent, Quinn decided to take matters in her own hands.

This is how she ended up standing in front of Vincent, as the painter laid face down on his bed. "Vincent," she tried, poking his side but nothing happened. Did he fall asleep? No, his breathing wasn't regular.

With a sigh, the Israelis woman sat down at the foot end of the bed. "Luister, Vincent," She started in Dutch, maybe hearing someone talk in his native language would make him feel a bit better. "Als je je nu niet helemaal jezelf voelt, is dat niet erg. Ik snap erg goed dat het leven nou niet altijd helemaal gaat zoals je dat wil, en ik weet dat dat nooit fijn is," she took a deep breath and closed her eyes for a moment. Listen, Vincent. If you don't feel like yourself, right now. Than that's okay. I get what it's like to have your life not in order yet, and I know that that's never pleasant.

"Maar de wereld heeft je nodig. Vincent, ik heb je nodig, Amy heeft je nodig. Er loopt een monster rond los in de stad, en dag na dag zal hij meer mensen vermoorden. We hebben je hulp nodig, Vincent. Nu meer dan ooit." But the world needs you. Vincent, I need you, Amy needs you. There's a monster loose in the city, and day by day it will kill more people. We need your help, Vincent. Now more than ever.

When she still got no reply, she sighed deeply and stood up, walking out the room and back to Amy and the Doctor.


When Quinn returned, Amy's eyes lit up, a silent question if Vincent was coming. The Israelis woman just shook her head while pressing her lips together tightly. "I don't think he's coming."

The Doctor sighed but gave a nod of his head -a silent thanks for having tried anyway. He took her hand once she was close enough. "Come on. We have to do this on our own," he said. "Go to the church at the right time and hope the monster still turns up."

Quinn shook her head, and leaned into the Doctor with a sad expression on her face. "We can't just go there," she sighed. "What if it doesn't come for another day, or week, or-"

"I'm ready. Let's go."

The three time travelers watched in awe as Vincent passed them, a smile on his face and his painting supplies in his hands.

The Doctor and Quinn exchanged a look before they both sighed and went after the painter. They just hoped this went well.

𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐫 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬¹ (  Doctor Who ) Where stories live. Discover now