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        QUINN STOOD IN the hallway just outside the court room

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QUINN STOOD IN the hallway just outside the court room. Her tawny brown eyes were narrowed in concentration as her right hand held her sword. She listened intently to the conversation in the court room.

"We are not doing what you say any more," says a rustic female voice, Quinn guesses its a video call. "Now, give me back my family." She cried, which made the raven haired woman roll her eyes. Yes, it was sweet that this woman wanted to have her family save, but she was risking so much more.

"No," the Silurian soldier, Restac, says before ordering; "Execute the girl."

Quinn's, the Doctor's and Rory's eyes widen. "No! No, wait!" Screams the brunet, worried for his fiancée.

Soldiers walked up to Amy and unhooked her from the wall. She tried to resist but the grip only got tighter as the soldier pushed Amy to the ground, onto her knees. "Rory!" She cried.

Rory pushed the woman, Ambrose, to the side as he frantically yells. "No, no! She's not speaking for us!"

"There's no need for this." The Doctor tried, his eyes big with fear for his companion. He could have sworn to had heard a scoff, belonging to Quinn. He dismissed this thought.

"Listen, listen," Rory started with panic in his voice. "Whatever you want, we'll do it."

"Aim." Ordered Restac and the soldiers did exactly that. Quinn's eyes widened even more and she made herself ready to shoot her friend to help. But she had to choose her right moment.



"Don't do this!" Pleads the Doctor as the last thing they hear from Rory is his loud yell for his fiancée before the screen cuts.


At those words, a dangerous wind swept through the grounds before Quinn rolled into the room from her hideout, kneeling in front of Amy. She uses her body to shield the ginger as in her left hand she holds her shield and in the other she holds her sword. "Go ahead," she growls. "I dare you."

Amy's mouth drops before a smirk takes over. Quinn might not think she's badass, but Amy definitely thought so. The Doctor, meanwhile, felt nothing but pride. He should have been worried but he knew that Quinn could handle whatever those soldiers threw at her.

But before any of the soldiers could actually shoot, a loud voice stops them. "Stop!" Everyone turns to where the voice came from to see Malohkeh enter with another Silurian, the chief, Eldane. "You want to start a war while the rest of us sleep, Restac?" Eldane questions.

𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐫 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬¹ (  Doctor Who ) Where stories live. Discover now