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     THE DOCTOR WOKE up with a loud gasp

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THE DOCTOR WOKE up with a loud gasp. He looked around to see he was in the battlement of the monastery. A few meters away, Quinn still lays unconscious on the pavement. He quickly scrambled up and runs towards her, he kneels besides her and lifts her head into his head. "Q?"

A small groan left her lips. "Five more minutes."

The Doctor smiled. "Can't do, darling. Come on, let's go."

Quinn groaned and expected his outstretched hand as he helped her up. "The top of the vane is gone." She said, having noticed it when she first opened her eyes.

The Time Lord nodded. "I know."

Once Quinn was up on her feet, the Doctor gripped her hand and tugged her with him.

"Dear Rassalion, I just woke up, can we hold off the running!"


The Doctor and Quinn find a bewildered Cleaves, the mean lady, in the courtyard. "Cleaves, you're not in your harness!" Noted the Time Lord.

"I'm sorry, Doctor. You were right."

Quinn winced. "No, don't say that. That goes right to his head."

The Doctor ignored her mumbled words and instead focused on Cleaves, "You've lost all power to the factory."

"Doctor, I abandoned my team."

"Well, then we just find them," Said Quinn enthusiastically. "Come on!"

They make their way through the tunnels of the monastery, the Doctor holding both Quinn and Cleaves hands. "How long would you say we were unconscious for, Cleaves?"

Said woman shrugged in reply to the Doctor as she said, "Not long. A minute, two minutes."

Quinn hummed with a shake of her head, turning her head to look at Cleaves. "Highly doubt it."

"Well, how long?" Cleaves asked with a frown.

"I'd say an hour."

The Doctor nodded. "I've seen whole worlds turned inside out in an hour. A lot can go wrong in an hour."

Quinn sees Cleaves troubled face. "Comforting, I know. But trust us, we're Quinn and the Doctor."

"The Doctor and Quinn, you mean."

"No, I don't."


The Doctor, Quinn and Cleaves enter the harness room. The raven haired smiled happily at seeing her friends, "Ames! Rory!"

𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐫 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬¹ (  Doctor Who ) Where stories live. Discover now