✼ E I G H T E E N

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CHAPTER EIGHTEEN A Look in the past

        IT WAS NEAR midnight when a knock sounded on the stale white door. Aleta's head shot up and a smile spread across her lips as she watched the door open and a familiar figure stood in the door opening. "You ready?" Whispered the voice.

    Aleta nodded, quickly putting on her leather jacket and excepting the hand that the figure held out. "Oh, I am so ready." She smiled.

    Aleta and the figure move into the lighted hallway, the woman could now really see the person's face. Her warm brown eyes were giving off a welcoming feeling as her lips were pulled in a soft smile. Quinn placed a chaste kiss on Aleta's lips before she took off running.

    "Hey, wait up!" Whisper shouted Aleta before running after the other raven haired woman.

    Their hushed giggles bounced off the halls as they ran hand in hand through the white corridors. Finally, they arrived at their secret spot, a small nest of blankets and pillows behind a huge stack of boxes but with perfect view of the landing platform. From there, they could watch the ships go and arrive while also looking out at the stars. It was their small spot where thy could be themselves.

    Quinn sat herself down in the corner of the boxes and pillow nest. Aleta let her eyes go over to the stars and let out a breath. She marveled at the sight of those thousand stars.

    "You still gonna sit or-?"

    Aleta chuckled and plopped herself down next to Quinn. She shuffled around a bit until she was tucked against Quinn's chest, the black haired woman having one arm over her shoulder while her head rested on Aleta's head.

    "This is nice." Comments Aleta.

    Quinn laughed and kissed her temple softly. "Yes, it is."

    Aleta took Quinn's hand and started to fiddle with her fingers. "I can't believe you're leaving soon." She sighed.

    The black haired woman sighed, tensing a bit. She gulped and closed her eyes for a moment.

    She didn't want to go.

    "I know, I hate it too."

    Aleta turned to her. "Well then don't go!"

    Quinn scoffed and shook her head. "You know that's not an option," she grumbled, pulling Aleta closer to her. "If I do that, the Madam will kill me. And my family I can't have that."

    "But you've never met your family."

    Quinn gulped and stared out onto the landing platform, watching security guards march around. A normal night on Demons Run.

    "I don't care," she admitted and turned her head to the girl in her arms. "Even if I have never met them, I don't want their deaths to be on me. I'd hate that."

    "But you can't go into the war!" Protested Aleta. "It's the most dangerous war ever!"

    "And that's exactly why I have to go."

    Aleta furrowed her eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

    "If I don't go, millions and millions of people will lose their lives, their families, their loved ones," Quinn responded. "This is what you have trained me for, Aleta. To save the lives of those who can't save themselves."

    Aleta gulped and avoided Quinn's eyes.

    Because that's not how it started.

    The Madam has ordered her years ago to train Quinn into the warrior that would one day make her the Warrior Princess. She needed to be able to fight Dalek and Time Lord alike. She needed to kill whoever was on sight.

    But then Aleta met Quinn. And she didn't want to do it anymore.

    Quinn was the most sweet and heartwarming person she had ever met. How could she turn a person like that into a killer?

    But she still had to do it.

    And so, Aleta convinced herself that she was doing it so Quinn could save all those innocent, instead. She just hoped it would work. She even told Quinn that their work, their training, would eventually lead to her being able to save those in need.

    "Could you promise me one thing?" Aleta asked and Quinn hummed in response. "Don't forget me, please," her voice sounded almost begging. "I- I need you."

    Quinn smiled. "Oh, Aleta..." she whispered. "I couldn't forget you if I tried."

    The two woman smiled at one another before Quinn brought their lips together in a soft but passionate kiss. It could be their last.

    Once they separate, Quinn sighed and leaned her head against Aleta's. "I'm sorry, Aleta," she started. "For never loving you like you deserve."

    Aleta smiled sadly, tears gathering in her eyes. "That's alright."

    "No, it isn't," countered Quinn. "Because I acted like you were my distraction. A distraction that one day, I won't have to fight and won't have to die. You deserve so much more."

    Aleta had to admit, their relationship acted like a distraction for her too. Because were they really in a relationship?

    She knew Quinn had long ago fallen in love with a Time Lord, who her and her sister were supposed to kill.

    This brave warrior.

    This Time Lord who stole a TARDIS and ran away.

    Aleta knew Quinn's heart already belonged to the Doctor.


It's probably obvious but just for the sake of confirmation: Yes, Quinn is Bisexual

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