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(A/N: Can we talk about how gorgeous Gal Gadot is?)

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(A/N: Can we talk about how gorgeous Gal Gadot is?)

       THE TARDIS MATERIALIZED on a small patch of flowers in a garden. The Doctor pokes out his head to see where he landed. He steps out and stumbles over a small rock that came loose. Just then, his old companion, Rory Williams, steps out of the house.

    "Rory!" Greets the Time Lord, throwing his arms out. Rory smiled, also throwing his arms out a bit. "Doctor."

    "I've crushed your flowers." Says the Doctor, gesturing to the patch of flowers where the TARDIS is parked.

    "Oh, Amy will kill you." Half jokes the man. Curious to see where his other old companion is, the Doctor looks around. "Where is she?"

    "She'll need a bit longer." Smiled Rory. The Doctor chuckled and went to shout in the direction of the door. "Whenever you're ready, Amy!"

    A few seconds later, Amy waddles out with her pregnant belly. The Doctor's eyes widen and a look of concern flickers across his face. "Oh, way-hey! You've swallowed a planet."

    The ginger laughed

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    The ginger laughed. "I'm pregnant."

    "You're huge."

    Amy smiled, knowing that if a certain raven haired woman would be here, she would have been rolling her eyes. "Yeah, I'm pregnant." Amy tells him.

    The Doctor goes on as if he hasn't heard her yet. "Look at you. When worlds collide."

    "Doctor, I'm pregnant." Says Amy again.

    The Time Lord pulls them both in for a hug. "Oh, look at you both," he praises. "Five years later and you haven't changed a bit, apart from age and size. Now, where's that snarky woman of mine?"

𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐫 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬¹ (  Doctor Who ) Where stories live. Discover now