✖Chapter 14✖

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before I start I would like to thank DragonIzzyyfor this idea

Jodie POV

I felt something bright hit against my eyelids making me turn around and waking up, I adjust to the light in the room and realised I'm in my bed. I sit up stretching my arms only to stop feeling something move next to me, I turn my head to my left and see Wizardmon still sleeping causing me to smile a little so I quietly get out of my bed and grab some clothes so I can shower in my bathroom.


i sigh happily as i just finished getting ready, I place my digivice onto my pocket and go downstairs to get the bakery ready to be opened for the day. I go to the door flipping the sign that now saying 'We are Open!~' and open up some windows, I go to the till and wait for the customers to come inside. I hear wizardmon coming down the stairs causing me to look at the door seeing him open it yawning

Jodie: "Good morning Wizardmon!"

I smile as he looks at me and nods his head.

Wizardmon: "mm...morning..."

I giggle at him making him turn his head in my direction only to see me handing him some toast and a cup of coffee, I pet his head and hear the bell on top of the door go off making me look over seeing Takato and Guilmon. I wave at them as they wave back saying their good mornings obviously I know why they are here for and put in on the till smiling at him as he takes it and leaves us making the bakery quite once again.

Jodie: "Hey wizardmon..."

He looks up at me from his cup nodding his head to say he's listening to me or he's curios about what I'm going to say.

Jodie: "Do you maybe wanna go out into town and pick out some food for dinner tonight? I also need to get supplies for baking my treats as well."

Wizardmon: "yeah sure, I dont mind as long as I get a donut after..."

I nod smiling, I take my apron off and place it on the hook. I turn around and face wizardmon seeing him sorting out his hat, I grab my bag that contains my phone, purse, digivice and my keys. I open the door for wizardmon as he walks out. Once he's out I go out and lock my door and start walking to the market with wizardmon.

As we was walking I see wizardmon pulling his hat down causing me to be confused but I clicked on when I see people staring at him making me a bit annoyed if I'm honest, I gently take his hand bending down a little because he's still small but a bit tall. He looked up at me then looked at our hands only for him to hold onto my hand a bit more making me smile a little, I see the market as I walk a bit faster and going inside.

Jodie: "Wizardmon can you grab me a basket from the holding station?"

I watch as he nods letting go of my hand and heading over to the holding station.

Wizardmon POV

I sigh and look at me hand smiling, still feeling the warmth when we was holding hands. I chuckle grabbing a basket and pulled it out, I was about to shout Jodie name when I heard her giggle making me turn around to see...



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