✖Chapter 16✖

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3rd POV

As soon as everybody got inside the bakery they immediately started to celebrate, Jodie on the other hand was staring at her hand which holds the pendent that mysterious digimon gave her. Jodie goes off to the corner of her bakery, sitting down on her chair and sighs gently to herself not noticing that a tall digimon was staring her worried. Reapmon stared at Jodie worried but froze when he saw the pendent in Jodie's hand which caused him to walk over to her even more worried. Once he made it over he crouched to her height and poked her check making Jodie flinch, snapping her out of her day dream state.

Reapmon: "where did you get that?"

Jodie watched at he pointed at the pendent making her smile and look at him happily, which caused Reapmon's heart beat to increase.

Jodie: "I'm don't know them but they gave me this and smiled...."

Reapmon: "so you have no idea who the person was?"

Jodie shook her head fast and looked at the pendent.

Jodie: "it was a digimon..."

as soon as Jodie said those words he knew instantly who it was, it made him angry that he made Jodie smile and more happy than she was earlier but he couldn't blame her. she knew who this digimon was a long time ago before she lost her memories. Reapmon sighs and gently pats her head before leaving, telling Jodie that he is going out for a while making Jodie nod her head confused at to what just happened.

Reapmon POV

I sigh deeply to myself before leaving, I walked towards the pathways that lead me and Jodie to the hill with the great view. As I'm walking past I see two humans smiling while holding hands which caused me to put my hand to heart making me think of what this feeling was and walked off making people stare at me scared, confused or amazed. once I walked past everyone and into the woods I felt the wind blow my cloak back showing off my long thin arms. I continued to walk for what I think was for an hour before seeing that I was now out the woods and on the mountain me and Jodie chilled on. I walk up them before glaring straight.

Reapmon: "why did you show yourself to Jodie?!"

I watched at the sparkly mist turn into a figure that I knew all to well.

Beelzemon: "I showed up for a reason.."

he glares back at me making me  beyond annoyed.

Reapmon: "and what that reason be? you making her think she dreaming?! making her think that she knew you and put her in danger?!"

beelzemon looks at me glaring at me and I knew he was getting annoyed by my yelling.

Beelzemon: "alright kid you think you can protect her from any dangers?!"

i nod my head at him as he glares harder pulling out his guns and walk towards me and holds his guns up smiling.

Beelzemon: "lets see!"

 (instead of the other digimon its beelzemon and Reapmon fighting please ignore Gallantmon also Reapmon POV still)

I fall onto my knees panting hard but I saw a hand sticking out but I wacked his hand away annoyed that I lost, I made a fool of myself but that didn't stop beelzemon sitting next to me. i looked at him making him look back at me and sighs running his hand through his hair.

Beelzemon: "do you want to know why i showed up or do you want the good news or the bad news about you?..."

i stare at him and sigh.

Reapmon: "tell me the bad news first then the good then explain why you showed up or will that be related to the good news?"

I watch him chuckle and laugh making him nod but his expression turns sour making me feel scared for what he was about to say.

Beelzemon: "you will no longer see Jodie..."

my eyes grow wide as I stand up glaring at him, he stood up as well staring at me.


Beelzemon: "what I mean is once you digivolve, you...well..."

he sighs and stares at me and the words he said shock me to the core.

Beelzemon: "my soul will go into your body and you will no longer have control. which means I will return but you won't...but the good news is that you will be able to keep your memories and have a couple more days with her.....but you will no longer be with her anymore that's why I showed myself to her because I was coming back to her and your not gonna be here....but we will be the same person"

I stare at him not knowing what to do, I felt like my whole world just stopped and punished me for anything wrong that I have done but if it meant for Jodie to be happy once again with this digimon so be it I will sacrifice it just to see her smile.

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