✖Chapter 18✖

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before I start I'm going to add Beelzebumon from digimon fusion!! ;)

Jodie POV

I smile as everyone eat their vanilla sponge cake but when I turn to look I saw something dark from the corner of my eye making me turn back staring at the open space outside, I'm pretty sure Reapmon saw me stare off because he came over to me and poked me head gently making me turn to him but when I did I smile at him making sure not to make him worry for me. Reapmon smiles as holds my hand making me laugh spinning around on the spot, everyone else surrounded us laughing having a good time when the floor beneath us disappeared and we all fell down into a purple/blue vortex taking us somewhere. once we was out of the vortex I saw that we was up in the sky making us all scream as we feel down. suddenly strong wind blew against me and the others making us panic more, but what happened was unexpected I was blown away from the other making me panic and scream for their names. I saw Reapmon reach his hand out for me to grab but I couldn't reach it and I saw them get sucked into the vortex again taking them somewhere else as i continue to fall out of the sky but I saw somthing it looked like that digimon I saw but totally different.

 I saw Reapmon reach his hand out for me to grab but I couldn't reach it and I saw them get sucked into the vortex again taking them somewhere else as i continue to fall out of the sky but I saw somthing it looked like that digimon I saw but total...

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but i soon started to feel lightheaded and passed out while falling out of the sky.

Beelzebumon POV
I fly around the digimwolrd with my wings out but stopped hearing screaming, not digimon screams but human screams as well! I flew up seeing some of them go into the portal taking them to a different location in the digiwolrd, but I focused me attention on one female human that seems to be passed out and was falling down at a rapid pace. I open my wings fully and flew to the human catching her in my arms before flying down.

(Skip to 1:45 in the video)

I sigh for relief when I managed to land on the ground safely. I look down at the human seeing her still passed out making me sigh again, I look around seeing some thing fallen out her pocket making me picking up but once I saw it in my hands I froze. It was a digivice making me look at her with a glare.

Beelzebumon: "why do you have this?...."

I drop the digivice and walk away with the human in my arm(s).

But what this Beelzebumon didnt know was that the spirit of beelzemon was not looking happy at all not one bit...

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