✖Chapter 24✖

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Previously on Angel of darkness & my knight

I got onto my bike and placed Jodie in front of me, making it easier for my to easily grab her in case she ends up falling off or something. I start to rev it up (plz get the reference) and drove off leaving that bastard in the dust as me and Jodie makes a quick get away. I don't know what that cunt was planning to do with my Jodie but there was no way in hell was I gonna let him take her. suddenly I felt something lean on my chest, I glance down seeing Jodie still with her eyes closed leaning on my chest. i grin down a little and sped up faster placing one of my hands on her head, playing with her hair a little.

Beelzemon: "don't worry Jodie, I'll keep you safe from harm I'll make sure of it!"

to be continued...

Beelzemon POV

It's been a while since i drove off with Jodie, still haven't found the other brats but hey that's not my problem my only concern is making sure that Jodie is safe from that bastard and from the other fucking sins. well lilithmon don't count since she was Jodie friend while she was in the digiworld. i sighed and looked ahead seeing a nice big forest, i know what your thinking didn't you drive out of a forest? well yes i did but this is a different type of forest because this is where everything happened and how i met Jodie. i suddenly felt something grab my face making me stop driving and look down to see a very sleepy Jodie.

beelzemon: "what ya doin doll?"

Jodie still patted my cheek and then sat up playing with my blonde hair tugging a little.

Beelzemon: "Jodie cut that out!"

i move her hands and held her still as i drove into the forest, i then saw a big grassy field full of flowers, a big tree with enough shade for us both.

i got off my bike as soon as we both was under the tree, i place Jodie down on the ground as i then lay down in the shade closing my eyes with my leg on my other leg and my arms behind me head acting like a pillow

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i got off my bike as soon as we both was under the tree, i place Jodie down on the ground as i then lay down in the shade closing my eyes with my leg on my other leg and my arms behind me head acting like a pillow. as i was about to doze off i felt Jodie poke my check and tug my hair again, i growl and opened my eyes staring at her she looked back at me and then played in the area where my third eye is.

Beelzemon: "O-OI!"

i growl as she continues making me sit up suddenly and grab her wrists, she obviously got spooked and went back making me fall on top of her. time seemed to freeze when we both stare at each other, the wind picked up blowing both mine and Jodie hair. i start to lean down a little seeing her lean up to me, our lips brushed gently against each others and our nose touching. i felt her hand move making mine move off her wrists and into her hand interlocking our fingers together.

i felt myself blush and look down to Jodie seeing her blushing to her ears making me grin slightly, i lean down to her ears and whisper

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i felt myself blush and look down to Jodie seeing her blushing to her ears making me grin slightly, i lean down to her ears and whisper.

Beelzemon: "what you getting embarrassed for doll, its only me~"

i felt her shiver causing me to release a deep chuckle and kiss her forehead, cheeks, nose, eye and finally i lean down closer to her. Jodie lean up to me causing our lips to finally meet, the kiss was nice and slow. the kiss lasted a few minuets until we both needed oxygen making us both separate. i saw Jodie pant a little from the lack of oxygen she then looks away blushing red. making me feel slightly self-conscious.

Beelzemon: "oi, you good was the kiss bad?"

i saw her snap back at me and jump up causing me to fall on my back while she sat on my chest with her hands balled up on my chest also while looking down blushing redder.

Jodie: "t-the kiss wasn't bad, it felt good?"

i turn red hearing her say that as i bring my hand to the back of her neck pulling her to my chest. i felt her heart beating on my chest, i kiss her head and close my eyes.

Beelzemon: "I'm glad...Jodie.."

Jodie: "hm?"

i look at her seeing her stare at me

beelzemon: "you know ill do anything for you right?"

i watch her nod her head making me smile as i place her on the ground while i got on one knee while holding her hand and stare at her hand.

beelzemon: "I also promise to love and cherish you for the rest of my life Jodie..."

i look up at her and smiled sweetly.

Beelzemon: "will you do the honour of being mine Jodie?"

what will Jodie say?! find out in the next chapter!

to be continued...

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