✖Chapter 27✖

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i'm not that good at lemons but i will try my upmost best for everyone.

Jodie is wearing this


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Jodie walks in amazed and look to beelzemon who was leaning on the door frame smiling.

Jodie: "c-can you stay with me?....tonight?..."

Beelzemon blushed.

Beelzemon: "I...."

To be continued...


3rd POV

As Jodie stares at her lover nervously she gets off the bed and walks towards him turn her head up to look at him in the eyes. meanwhile our beloved digimon here is sweating bullets, he's nervous and most of all he like a wolf staring at his prey. ready to devour it.

Beelzemon: "Jodie if i stay here i don't think i'll be able to..."

he clench his hand into a fist as Jodie leans closer to him having her chest pressed on his.

Jodie: "be able to what? tell me..."

just listening to her sweet voice made beelzemon to switch their positions slamming Jodie back onto the wall with his hand pinning her wrist above her head with his head in her neck. Jodie shivers as she feels his hot breath on her neck, but she didn't mind this oh no this made her excited to see more. he looks into her eyes with a hint of love, protectiveness, admiration and finally lust.

beelzemon: "i don't think i'll be able to hold myself back from devouring you..."

he stares into her more seeing Jodie eyes gleam with love and lust.she then moved her head closer to his and smiled cutely at him

Jodie: "who said anything about holding back, you the sin of gluttony aren't you~"

she purrs at him causing beelzemon to grin evilly at her, this made Jodie feel a feeling at the bottom of her stomach and even lower.

Beelzemon: "oh baby you don't know anything, because right now this sin of gluttony is going to eat you for days, weeks, month and years til you writhing under me for more!~"

he growls and pulls her closer kissing her deeply.

he growls and pulls her closer kissing her deeply

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