✖Chapter 6✖

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3rd POV

Once everyone arrived at the bakery they all stare at wizardmon waiting for answers, as for Jodie she was sat next to him confused as well to what is happening. Jodie and wizardmon look at each other before looking at the others in front of them (which is rika, Henry, takato ans their digimon) and sigh.

wizardmon: "i don't know why i'm not changing back, neither does Jodie why don't you ask your digimons?"

we all look at the digimons as guilmon shrug his shoulders and looks at the other tamers.

Guilmon: "not even we know why wizardmon isn't gong back to be impmon..."

everybody sighs as Jodie stands up walking to the back room making everybody confused to what she's doing, a minute later she comes back with a box.

Jodie: "i know what your thinking but the other customer i had cancelled their order so i though you guys might want some.."

Jodie smiles and opens the box to reveal a delicious looking cake, everyone drool at it apart from renamon and rika who as dying to try some but not showing it. 

everyone stare at the cake making Jodie laugh a little before looking at wizardmon who has his arms crossed staring at the door, Jodie cut the cake handing some to everyone before heading over to wizardmon with some on a plate with a fork for him

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everyone stare at the cake making Jodie laugh a little before looking at wizardmon who has his arms crossed staring at the door, Jodie cut the cake handing some to everyone before heading over to wizardmon with some on a plate with a fork for him. Jodie pokes wizardmon making him turn to look at her and tilts his head a little.

Jodie: "here, you deserve it the most."

Jodie hands wizardmon the cake which he gladly took and began eating it as jodie smiles at him more and kiss his head.

Jodie: "thank you for saving me today wizardmon..."

 wizardmon face turned red and looks at Jodie only to see her giving him a closed eye smile. wizardmon looks away not understanding why his heart was beating fast, he nods his head as Jodie giggles at him making him embarrassed even more. she stands up going over to the other tamers as the digimon heads over to wizardmon.

Wizardmon POV

i stare at the ground as my heart kept pounding in my chest, i don't really understand why it's beating this fast at all...man this sucks..i sigh to myself and look up to see foxy, reptile and the Easter bunny looking at me. i sigh again to myself and look out the windrow, this is gonna be a long day....


hello i'm sorry that it's so short i'm a bit busy with tuff at the moment but ill write back soon.

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