✖Chapter 1✖

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No-one's POV

The day goes by faster than it seems now becoming dark making everyone in the town of Shinjuku know its time to head home, all for one teenager known as Jodie who was now cleaning up her bakery making sure that it's nice and clean for tomorrow. Jodie sighs as she putting her apron on its peg going to the door turning her sigh over saying 'CLOSED SORRY' also closing and locking the door, Jodie turns around heading upstairs where she has her own little kitchen, bathroom, living room and bedroom. As soon as she closed the door she is greeted with a happy bark from her white shiba inu puppy Jaden.

Jaden jumped up at Jodie wanting her attention and love, Jodie laughed a little at her puppy picking him up gently kissing his head

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Jaden jumped up at Jodie wanting her attention and love, Jodie laughed a little at her puppy picking him up gently kissing his head. Jaden enjoyed this attention and barks happily at his owner as they both went to her room, Jaden jumps up on his owners bed waiting as Jodie takes off her clothes going to her wardrobe getting out a tank top and short shorts and put them on. Jodie sighs looking at her pup who was now sleeping making her smiles ever so softly making her wanting to cuddle up with her beloved puppy all day and night, She goes into her bed gently moving her pup closer to her pillow so he can rest in a more comfortable place and falling asleep in a dreamless wonder.


Jodie awoke to a strange banging noise from her bakery door, she gets up from her bed while being cautious of anyone who could be a burglar while opening her door and going down the stairs. Jodie slowly walks into her bakery getting closer to her front door being calm as she can but her nerves won't allow her, she gently grabs the door handle as she unlocks the door and opens the door ever so slowly. Jodie pops her head out seeing no one there so she opens the door fully and her groaning below her, looking down she freaks out when she sees a furry looking imp on the ground in front of her door badly injured.

She stares at the imp in shock and panic quickly going on her knees to check its pulse in its neck only to see that is barley there, Jodie quickly takes action gently picking up the imp in her arms leaning its head between her neck and shoulder wh...

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She stares at the imp in shock and panic quickly going on her knees to check its pulse in its neck only to see that is barley there, Jodie quickly takes action gently picking up the imp in her arms leaning its head between her neck and shoulder while closing the door with her foot and skilfully locking it with one hand, she runs upstairs to her room and gently place the imp on her bed running into her bathroom to grab the med-kit. Jaden walks to the imp ad sniffs it then gently licking its wound as Jodie returned moving Jaden away from the imp now opening the med-kit getting out a cotton ball, disinfectant and bandages. Jodie put the cotton ball in top of the disinfectant moving the bottle placing it on her bedside cabinet, she moves her shaky hand and starts dabbing the cotton ball on the imp wounds only for her to get a reaction and a hiss from the imp making her retract the cotton ball back. Jodie sighs quietly and starts wrapping bandages all over the imps wounds making sure that they will stay on, Jodie takes Jaden off her bed putting him on the floor to put the covers over the imp as she grabs a pillow and blanket sleeping on the sofa that in her room. making her own little bed and lays there falling asleep as Jaden jumps on the bed with the imp also falling asleep.


Impmon POV

i groan waking up to the blinding sun coming through the window...wait...A WINDOW?!, i quickly shot up from the bed hissing a little looking down only to see that I've got these white cloth wrapped all around me. In the corner of my eye i saw movement and looked to my left to see a animal staring at me making noises, i cover its mouth trying to keep it quite as i then take in my surroundings, The room was white with a fluffy rug on the floor with a fluffy stool on it, next to it was a shelf with things on and draws next to it with a sofa.

 In the corner of my eye i saw movement and looked to my left to see a animal staring at me making noises, i cover its mouth trying to keep it quite as i then take in my surroundings, The room was white with a fluffy rug on the floor with a fluffy...

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As i look up i blink and see white cloths all around with lights surrounding the bed i was on, i have to admit it wasn't my taste.

while i'm looking around i saw the small animal go to the sofa jumping up licking something while making noises at it, i kept watch and saw moment of something bigger on the sofa making the blanket move

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while i'm looking around i saw the small animal go to the sofa jumping up licking something while making noises at it, i kept watch and saw moment of something bigger on the sofa making the blanket move. i stare in shock to see a human female with long brown hair, shiny Crystal blue eyes and pale skin moving to sit up having the small animal jump off her running to the bed i'm on and making noises. The human looked at me and gets up quickly pushing me down.

Jodie: "you shouldn't be up, you need your rest after what happened to you last night.."

i stare at the human confused as she moves away smiling as the small animal jumps up at me licking me with its slimy and disgusting tongue making the human gasp quickly pulling it away from me, i blink and looks up at the human girl as she puts the animal down in another room before returning t me.

Jodie: "hey will you be okay?"

i stare at the human and nods as she sighs a relief before standing up

Jodie: "how about i cook you some breakfast and something to drink?"

i nod not wanting to speak to this human, she nods and leaves as i sit up remembering what happened and how i got here in this world. sighing to myself i look out the window wondering what the hell i'm going to do now...

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