✖Chapter 2✖

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Impmon POV

I don't even remember how long I was staring outside, but I heard the door open, turning my head I see the human girl holding a tray with pancakes and some class of orange. I looked at the human girl not really trust her at all, she smiled and puts the tray closer to me seeing if i would grab it but i turn my head while crossing my arms.

Jodie: "come on you need to eat..." 

impmon: " I'm not hungry!.."

i then hear a gurgling noise and looks down at my stomach being embarrassed as the human girl giggles putting the tray on the bed handing me some pancakes with some syrup on top, i take the plate full of pancakes and start eating it, my eyes probably gave away that i liked it because the human girl giggles again and smiles happily at me. I swallow my food and looks at the human girl while she was distracted with her animal, i must say she did look different from the humans I've seen so far some of them would either call me weird or not wanna talk or even help me.

impmon: "oi...thanks for the food..."

i blush a little and scratch my cheek with my hand as the human girl looks at me and smiles brightly,  swear i saw sparkles behind her. 

Jodie: "it's no problem at all after all you have been through things more worse than i have!...and besides i couldn't leave you abandoned and hurt its not in my system to leave someone like that hurt!.." 

The human girl face goes red and then looks down being embarrassed by her outburst as she plays with her hands, i sigh and stands up, jumping from her bed holding my hand out to her making the human girl confused. i just grin looking at her and then flick her nose making her jump holding her nose looking at me confused even more as i laugh.

impmon: "hahah should've seen ya face toots!..." 

i hold my stomach laughing waiting for her to yell at me, but i didn't hear anything but laughter making me look up at the human girl confused to why shes laughing.

impmon: "hey!...why ya laughing?!"

i yelled at her confused but all she did was smile at me making me even more confused, as she looked at the clock she jumps up before rushing to her wardrobe grabbing clothes rushing to her bathroom then coming out 10 minuets later dressed and ready for something. I go over to her and before i could ask anything she goes downstairs making noises.

Jodie's POV

AHHH i cant believe i forgot about the bakery, i rush around getting things ready as i hear the bell go off indicating someone here. As i turn around i see a boy called Takato Matsuki who is a regular customer

 As i turn around i see a boy called Takato Matsuki who is a regular customer

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with his....umm... i don't know what to call it it was red dinosaur? i wasn't sure at all what it was if i was completely honest.

i sigh and then smiles at them, as they both smiled back at me, i already know what Takato wants seeing he always come here for his bakery which he and his family live in

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i sigh and then smiles at them, as they both smiled back at me, i already know what Takato wants seeing he always come here for his bakery which he and his family live in.

Jodie: "Good morning Takato-kun, how are you today?"

i hand takato a bag full of the things he needs as the red looking dinosaur stares at my pumpkin bread that is in a display case causing me to look at it smiling, I go over to the display case cutting a piece giving it to the dinosaur as he smiles saying it thanks and eats it making takato to look our way looking pale before stuttering all over the place as i giggle

Jodie: "Takato-kun what is it?" 

i tilt my head smiling as takato looks at me..

Takato: "i-it's a digimon.." 

i tilt my head again as i close my eyes being confused 

Jodie: "a digi...mon?..."

takato and the red digimon nods as i smile, but the imp came downstairs looking at us before looking at the red digimon and scoffing,

impmon: "what the hell ya doing her reptile?!..." 

the imp snares as i blink being confused while he and the red digimon talk...well..more like the Imp arguing while the red digimon talks calm to him, i poke takato shoulder pointing to the imp 

Jodie: "so is he a digimon?"

takato nods his head as i smile and claps my hands causing everyone to look at me 

Jodie: "i think we should all introduce ourselves right?"

i smile tilting my head as they all nod their head as the red digimon comes over to me.

guilmon: "hi I'm Guilmon!...and I'm takatomon digimon!.." 

i blink and look at takato as he sighs shrugging his shoulders indicating to leave it as i look at the imp I've been taking care of since last night.

impmon: "I'm Impmon..."

i giggle and pet impmon's and Guilmon's head as i stand back smiling more.

Jodie: "I'm Jodie, It's very nice to meet you Guilmon, Impmon..."

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