✖Finally Reunited✖

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not gonna lie this made my heart melt typing this, also sorry I have not updated any of my stories been busy! Play the video⬆️ when I say also!

Jodie POV

i sigh deeply feeling exhausted as I looked up at the sky seeing it was night out since I not long woke up in a strange cave with a random digimon that looks scary, I sigh again while me and the strange digimon walking around the woods looking for my friends and my digimon partner Reapmon, sadly I'm starting to lose hope as I keep calling out all their names but I didn't want to stop knowing in my heart I may find them. suddenly the digimon got in front of me holding his gun arm out growling as the tall shadow in front of us both and got into a fighting stance. once the shadow got closer I saw both the shadow and the digimon shot his arm gun and jump towards each other making me jump slightly but before I could talk I was pulled into a strong embrace. (Now)

I looked up quickly and saw a familiar blond hair with his cloak covering half of his face making me smile happily. as i return the hug being extra cuddle since I was tired not to mention that I missed him dearly I started to cry while i took in his scent and smelt oak pines and cigarettes.

(That what the hug is like)

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(That what the hug is like)

Jodie: "I found you at last Reapmon.."

he hold me tighter and allowed me to nuzzle my head into his neck part his cloak and sighs deeply in relief.

Reapmon: "welcome back Jodie...."

I felt him pull me into a tighter embrace as I fell asleep on him smiling happily.

Reapmon POV (before he encountered Beelzebumon and Jodie)

I left everyone looking for Jodie, yeah they argued with me about leaving but I don't care, Jodie my partner and I needed to protect her at all cost but something inside me makes me want to be more than her partner and I m we what this feeling was. I walked further into the woods still looking for her but I stopped hearing her voice shouting my name making me turn around faster than I thought and ran full speed towards her voice, when I got to the source I saw her and some tall digimon that looked like Beelzemon with her. I walked forwards to get to her but that digimon thought I was a threat and tried to attack me but I ran full speed to Jodie and pulled her into my arms and hugged her into my chest. I looked down at her slightly seeing her smiling at me with her tired/exhausted eyes that had tears in them.

Jodie: "I found you at last Reapmon.."

I felt my heart pound as I pull her into me tighter, I felt her nuzzle her head into the neck part of my cloak and took in my scent making me smile a little. while she was gone I drank some booze and smoked while the others wasn't around, I hid it all in my stash in the woods near the same tree I kept seeing in my dreams.

Reapmon: "welcome back Jodie"

I was scared that I will never get her back and that scared the hell out of me. I kept thinking that she was taken from me or have died from a digimon attacking her or if I found her body. it scared me so much...I held her tighter not wanting to let go as my fear of losing her was to great to overcome, I felt her get light making my heart drop so I quickly look down to see her smiling while sleeping on me making me chuckle and sigh in relief. I take my cloak off and wrapped it around her and picked her up bridal style and turned around seeing the digimon glared at me in hatred, eyes full of questions that wanted answers, I sigh and start walking hoping to lose it but it kept following until I turned around.

Reapmon: "what do you want?!"

I whispered to the digimon only for it to stand in front of me and glare at me.

Beelzebumon: "your the digimon she kept shouting for and talked so highly about while she was searching..."

I was shocked to hear that she talked about me as I about to question the digimon he kept a blank face and walked ahead.

Beelzebumon: "lets to and make a camp, I still believe she is still exhausted from the fall and not recovered properly..."

I nod at the digimon and found a nice place to camp for the night, I saw the  digimon already made a fire so I set Jodie down gently, I then thought of somthing and I froze immediately and glare darkly at the digimon.

he must of got the message and started to sigh deeply.

Beelzebumon: "what you looking at huh?!"

I told him, bo I asked him what he was doing with Jodid and sigh in relief when he told me that he saved her while we all got separated, i sat down pulling her into my lap while she sleeps and gently holds her in my arms while I gently grab her hand holding it, ceeasing creating thumb on her hand while the digimon explains what happened.


Beelzebumon: "and that's how I she ended up being saved by me and how we are here now..."

I took a talisman from my inside part of my cloak

I said a spell and changed it into a bandage, I started to gently wrap her arm gently and smiles at the digimon a little.

Reapmon: "I must thank you for at least for saving her so thank you I guess..."

3rd POV

As beelzebumon nodded and lay down going to sleep while Reapmon lean back on a tree stump and pulled Jodie closer to his body keeping her warm and smiled. he gently pull down the mask that was covering my mouth and gently kissed Jodie's forehead as the wind gently blew making the scene like a fairy tale. he looked down and saw that Jodie was smiling in her sleep while cuddling closer to his body causing him to chuckle again and pull up his mask before cuddling her again falling asleep.

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