ii. a new life

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IT'S MY TURN,chapter two!━━

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chapter two!

SHE ran into her house clutching onto the book that was hidden under her jacket. her hair soaked and messy and her heart racing. she was a panting mess.

she locked her door and quickly slid a chair underneath the knob; trying her best to keep them out.

as she slid across the floor, she lifted up the loose floor board which hid a chest. her hands rummaged through the the chest ensuring that everything was there; placing the book titled, "DO NOT READ" underneath the less valuable belongings.

there was a loud thud against her door; her heart dropped as she quickly closed the floorboard. she ran to the back of her house and grabbed her sword. she quickly picked up her bag and threw in some food, bandages, blankets, and a pot.

as the banging on her door grew louder she realized she could not get out of this easily and she sure as hell knew her home would be turned upside down. she hesitantly opened the chest once more and placed the book in her bag.

her heart broke as she looked through that chest; she tried her best not to get too attached. she blinked away the forming tears and took all her money (which wasn't much, but it was what she had been saving since she was 4) and grabbed a photo, shoving it into her bag and sneaking out through the underground tunnel she had made.

as she heard the grunts and her door finally give out she ran into the forest, her heart pounding and her eyes watering. she knew she could never return there and it hurt her to think about that. her home, the place she grew up in. the place she grew to love so dearly, it was gone now.

she placed on her hoodie and held tightly onto her sword, racing towards the river in hopes that'd she find a village or someone who could hide her for just a little.

hours of running and her legs were finally giving out, she was dehydrated and her side hurt from the amount of air that was stuck there. she knew the proper way to breathe while running, but the amount of fear and stress she was enduring couldn't allow her to think straight.

she saw a house, a random house with a campfire in front of it. it could be trap, but at this point she was in too much pain to care. she seized the opportunity to rest and ran to it, the door surprisingly unlocked with no traps. rookie's job.

she got in and saw a bed ——— oh her body turned into jello at the sight. she was far beyond tired and there was a perfectly functional bed right there, so she reluctantly removed her wet clothing and backpack, placing them to the side and going through a chest that was across the room. "aha! a shirt!" she exclaimed while pulling the white & red shirt over her head. she kept digging and found a pair of joggers.

"well, i mean, i'm sure they won't notice." she calmed herself down with this reassurance and slid into the bed, promising herself that'd she'd only take a 15 minute nap. just to recharge her batteries, ya know? but 30 minutes passed, then an hour, then two and she was still very much asleep.

"and i'm telling you, Big Q, wilbur would not-" he cut himself off as all their eyes landed on the girl in HIS bed, wearing HIS clothing. "woah tommy, what'd you do last night? i gave you two shots of moonshine- and that moonshine was complete crap-" alex, aka quackity joked.

"uhhh, quackity, i don't know who that is-" tommy nervously laughed, slowly placing his hand upon his sword. wilbur laughed as he went between the two and to the girl. "hello!" he yelled. she frantically jumped up and hid under the covers.

"oh no! please don't be scared!" wilbur cooed. tommy interrupted wilbur's attempt to comfort the intruder. "who are you, and what are you doing in my clothes and my bed and my house?!" he babbled. "tommy, be nice. here ms, take some blue." wilbur smiled while handing blue dye to the lady.

she smiled and reluctantly took the 'blue.' "i'm terribly sorry about breaking into your home, although there was nothing to possibly stop me, not even a lock." tommy rolled his eyes as he faced wilbur, "did you not lock the door?" wilbur chuckled, "of course not! i'm not entirely sure how to- your lock is much too complicated and honestly looked quite dangerous."

"that's because it's a trap!" tommy sighed. y/n laughed and pulled on her shoes. "once again, i'm sorry." she slid her sword into her scabbard and picked up her backpack.

"did you steal my sword?" tommy questioned, pulling out his sword and pointing it at her. "that'd be kinda hard taking in the fact that you're holding it." she scoffed. "that's my brother's sword, the one that was in here."

"it's my sword. it used to belong to my dad." she rolled her eyes as she showed them the engraved "𝔊𝔬𝔡𝔣𝔯𝔢𝔶" on the sword. "Godfrey?" quackity raised a brow. "Y/n, Y/n Godfrey." she stuck out her hand for a shake.

quackity hesitated before shaking her hand. "nice to meet you, i'm Quackity. Alex Quackity." she smiled, "nice to meet you alex." "i'm Wilbur! nice to meet you!" he spoke, such a vibrant smile on his face as he greeted the girl. she laughed, "nice to meet you too, wilbur."

"i'm Tommy." tommy stuck out his hand. she smiled and shook his hand, "nice to meet you tommy. now if you wouldn't mind, i must leave." she pushed herself through the two males and exited the 'humble' abode. "wait a minute!" tommy yelled after her.

she stopped dead in her tracks and turned back to the boy, "yes?" he looked at her and walked closer, "how'd you find my home, and why did you enter?" she smiled and politely ignored the question, "i unfortunately have to run, i look forward to seeing you guys in the future."

she tightly held onto her bag and sword as she began to make her way towards the forest. tommy ran after her and wilbur followed. alex trailing behind as he could care less.

"what are running from, ms?" wilbur asked as if appeared next to the girl. "oh- you're mighty fast." she exclaimed clearly startled. "please, we could help, we're running away from someone too." wilbur cheered. "no wil, you can't-" she cut tommy off. "who are you running from?"

"well, we're running to, not from." wilbur corrected. "where are you running to?" she questioned. "back to L'manberg!" wilbur happily clapped. "L'manberg??" she repeated, obviously lost.

"you do know where L'manberg is,,, right?" quackity laughed.

she backed away, clearly uncomfortable. she hated when people laughed at her. when people even had even a slight opportunity to make fun or poke at something she's done. she hated judgement, hated feeling stupid. hated feeling less than. it just —— it made her feel bad.

"uh-" tommy cut her off.

"who are you running from, y/n?"

there was a long pause as she battled with herself on whether or not to tell them the truth, but she ultimately decided she could trust them; no idea why, but she did.

"my brother."

a/n: hehehehe, bye :D

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