x. a get together

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IT'S MY TURN,chapter ten!━━

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chapter ten!

THEY finally arrived at the river; a sweaty and sticky mess. techno and wilbur ready in their swim shorts and tubbo and tommy in their stroller.

"do you see aunt puffy or uncle sam anywhere?" phil asked his two oldest boys. the boys looked around and spotted skeppy. "no, but we see skeppy!" wilbur yelled while running towards him.

"remember to keep your wings dry!" he yelled after him.

techno sighed and raced after the boy. phil laughed at the boys as he locked the car and followed. "hey phil!" puffy yelled happily while running after her boys with a bottle of sunscreen. he smiled and waved.

karl ran up to phil and excitedly showed off his swim trunks. george followed behind and showed off his as well. they had got matching mushroom shorts a few days ago and have been showing them off to everyone they could.

"those look so cool!" phil complimented as set down the diaper bag. "we could take this!" george and karl yelled while picking up the diaper bag and walking over to the adults. phil thanked them and finally made it to his friends.

"hey mates." he smiled as he sat in one of the beach chairs they had set out. "how are the babies?!" sam asked excitedly. he jumed up and looked in the stroller. "awh, they're asleep." he pouted. "yeah, they'll be up in like 10 minutes, don't worry."

bad and skeppy smiled as they helped sapnap into his floaties. this river had a custom lava pool for both bad and sapnap as they couldn't really be in the water without discomfort and or pain.

phil looked at the ten and eleven year olds (as well as one 14 year old) swim around the river, racing and occasionally fighting. "crazy how fast they grow." phil chuckled. the other parents agreed.

it made them so proud seeing their kids grow up, but just hurt to know that they'd one day leave and have a life of their own ——— when you have a kid, you no longer care about anything but your kids. nothing in the world could ever amount to your kids. your kids are your pride and joy, the best things you've ever created.          once they leave, you feel useless.

karl ran over to sapnap and jumped in the lava. karl was the only one out of the bunch able to do this (as he actually liked the way fire-res potions tasted.) and at most he'd come out red but never too burned. quackity followed with the ice chest, pulling it to the side of the lava pool and sat inside of it. "hey sapnap." they smiled.

it made sapnap feel less excluded having them. they always tried to include him in everything they did, especially on get togethers.

phil watched his two eldest boys play around with foolish and george; he couldn't help but notice how included techno was. they built a rock tower and actually listened to techno's advice. it warmed his heart knowing techno was finally comfortable with them.

it made everyone so happy to see techno in his more human form. his naturally pink hair, pointy ears and sharper teeth. his glasses on the edge of nose as he tried balancing the last rock on the tower.

then he (philza) heard it, the cries of his youngest boy. he laughed at the ruined moment and stood up to pick the crying child up —— but puffy intercepted. "i never get to see my nephew, my turn."

phil more than happily allowed her to as he picked up tubbo. tubbo was the easiest baby, never cried and always listened, most people's definition of the perfect child, but it only worried phil.

tubbo was just two years old so he tried not to worry too much; but, he hadn't spoken a single word, barely even a babble. "hello tubbo." sam smiled while placing his arms out for the baby.

phil handed over his other baby boy and saw the sparkle in sam's eye. sam just loved kids.

"philza!" sam's youngest, jack, yelled. "ayup, jack!" he high fived. "i lost two teeth yesterday!" he smiled while pointing to where his two front teeth would be.

"that's so awesome! how'd you lose em'?"

"don't open up that can" sam sighed disappointedly. "ALEX KICKED HIM!" george yelled. "i did not! dad! george is blaming me again!" alex yelled at sam.

sam handed tubbo back to phil as he separated his two eldest sons. "stop! ALEX QUACKITY, NO BITING YOUR BROTHER." he yelled. george blew a raspberry at him and jack just watched his two big brothers fight.

"that's how i lost my teeth." he whispered to phil. phil nodded and laughed, watching the two boys scream at one another.

"dad! dad! tubbo has a bee on him!" wilbur yelled frantically while running towards him. "no running, wilbur!" bad yelled. phil looked to see a bee perfectly stilled on tubbo's nose.

phil shooed it away but it just came back. it was infatuated by tubbo, and tubbo seemed so calmed by it.

they all stared at it as tubbo began to giggle, sticking his finger out and allowing the bee to rest on it.

"phil, what's tubbo's special ability?" puffy asked. "uhh, i don't know- he loves flowers though and, honey-" he cut himself off. "BEE?!" they yelled simultaneously. "phil, how could you be so dumb!" puffy yelled while handing tommy to skeppy and picking tubbo up.

"tubbo, do you like the bees?" she asked.

he laughed happily at the bees that flew around puffy's horns; reaching out for them. she just stood there, shocked as the baby gently pulled at her horns.

she brought him closer and noticed the bumps on the sides of his head. "phil, what are these bumps?" phil stood besides her and inspected. "i don't know, he's just always had them."

"i think he might have horns!" she yelled happily. "uhh, puffy, i'm not sure-" she cut him off. "shut the fuck up phil, i know what i'm on about." he placed his hands up in defeat and she smiled at the thought of having someone similar to her.

bad muttered a delayed "language." and helped the very visibly uncomfortable skeppy.

tommy whined as bad picked him up, a crying mess as he tried so badly to cheer him up. phil laughed at the difficult boy. tommy loved but hated new people.

bad sighed as techno came beside him and took the baby. tommy went silent as techno carried him into the river.

this wasn't the first time tommy had been in the water, tommy for the most part, knew how to swim and so did tubbo. they had started learning as soon as they could.

phil enjoyed seeing wilbur and techno play around with tommy, they were so happy.

he grabbed tubbo and followed the boys into the water. they were legitimately happy. something that at the time wasn't very rare.

puffy took out a small polaroid camera and snapped a picture of the happy family, a memory that would be engraved in their brain despite having that picture.

a/n: happy times, happy times :D

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