xxviii. interlude II

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it permanently changes us.

it's the thing we often let mislead us.

our life full of pain and heartbreak, the reality of not being in control bringing us more fear than death itself.

the thing we are forced to go through, no way to opt out.

we never get to "move on" from it. we don't "heal" from it.

sure we grow as people, but it still hurts.

we are forced to make space for our trauma, yet told to brush it off.

constantly reminded that it was "so long ago."

we only learn to live with trauma, majority of the time we bottle it up. we ignore it and tell ourselves others have it worse.

or live in fear of it happening again.

anyone who's lived through trauma, has lived through the difficult situation of feeling disjointed ——— ripped from themself, their safety, their sanity.

an experience in life where you no longer have trust. where your worth feels nonexistent and all there is, is pain.

we're told there's a light on the other side of the tunnel, that's the hope that is given to us as we attempt to do the impossible and heal.

we don't heal though, theres no healing after being broken... there's no tape or glue to put us back together.

we just learn to hold onto the pieces of us that broke, carrying them around, hoping one day they'd just fix themselves.

begging to just forget about it for one day. our memory often feeling like our worst enemy.

the broken or shattered pieces of ourselves trying to be shoved back into a place where they no longer fit.


——— but when we finally admit that we can't be healed or fixed, that is the day we no longer give our trauma control.

the "healing" that takes place does not invalidate your experiences, it doesn't mean that damage was never done.

it just means, that you no longer let it have control over your life.

why let your worst days ruin the chances of you having a good day? take control.

this is your turn.

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