xx. the need for reassurance

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IT'𝐒 𝐌𝐘 𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐍,chapter twenty!━━

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chapter twenty!

Y/N has never been all that good at conversating without feeling like she was annoying or over sharing, growing up she was constantly told to be quiet ——— she realizes now that it wasn't because she was talking too much, but because they were in danger; a heart-breaking reality if you asked her.

so now she awkwardly sat on a stool studying the two men in front of her. they were attempting to talk to her, but she just couldn't focus on the words coming out their mouths for her life.

"do you know how to shoot a bow?" phil asked. her head popped up and she awkwardly stared at the man. "is that a no?" he laughed. she nervously agreed and looked away.

eye contact wasn't something she was used to, nor was it something she enjoyed. it made her uncomfortable and extremely nervous.

"yeah, i'm sorry, i just- can we continue this another day?" she sighed. "nope. training is from 8pm to 5am. we have to get moving." techno laughed while throwing her a bow.

"what techno means is, we gotta get to work. you said you'd put in the work, remember?" phil spoke softly as he tried his best to not cross the line they put down. "i know i did, but, i don't like people watching me practice... it makes me feel bad. like i'm doing something wrong." she looked down, embarrassed.

"i mean, that's what practice is. you're bound to do something wrong, but the point of it is to improve. we'll only be there to help you." techno smiles while handing her the arrows.

"target practice!" he yelled as both him and phil ran out of the way.

y/n stood up and looked forward, the giant red target taunting her as she steadily attempted to shoot the arrow, failing miserably and nearly crying.

"hey, that's okay, we're gonna teach you how to hold it now." phil reassured as he tried to rid the girl of her worries.

both phil and techno helped her stance and made sure she was comfortable along the way. they were quite the help despite just meeting the girl a day prior.

her practice went on for the week and she eventually was doing target practice on moving targets, aka, phil and techno. she was pretty nervous about shooting phil and techno even though they reassured her that the arrows weren't real. she couldn't help but convince herself that they were and that she was going to hurt them.

a week spent in their home and it was the safest she'd ever felt. having someone who's genuinely looking out for your well-being was something she missed so dearly. it made every day worth living.

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