xxi. i wish you could braid my hair...

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𝐈𝐓'𝐒 𝐌𝐘 𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐍,chapter twenty-one!━━

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chapter twenty-one!

AN exasperated sigh escaped from his lips as he placed down the vase of freesias down next to the 2 vases of dried and dead flowers.

his brother wasn't the best person, he screwed up, but... it hurt knowing that no one was there to visit his grave when it wasn't him doing so.

"hey will," he laughed while wiping the dust off his little brother's tombstone. "i brought you some freesias, i know they were your favorite."

he wiped his nose with his hands and onto a towel before returning his attention back to his brother. "i also brought you a few of your old books, thought you'd enjoy reading them again." he smiled while placing down the small stack of books right beside him.

"i miss you." he sighed, his eyes burning with tears as he placed a hand upon the stone and held back his sobs. "dad misses you a lot, kinda stupid i know. he's doing better now though, he's eating again, not having nightmares as often. he swears he sees you passing the house quite often though, sorta worrying."

a comforting, warm silence fell over him, he just listened to the small chirps from birds and the fallen leaves softly hit the ground as the soft breeze threw them around.

"goddamnit," he laughed. "you always got to see me cry. i hated you for that." he sniffled and scooted closer to his brother. "i'm joking, i love you a lot, and i miss you."

he removed the hair tie from his hair and laughed at how wacky it was. "i'm going to chop this off today, i can't manage it, you did that for me. i suck at braiding hair." he admitted, fiddling with the ends of his hair as he tried his best to hold back the tears.

he knew that he didn't need to, he knew no one was going to visit will, so he could cry without anyone knowing, but, he felt like he shouldn't ———— will had always told techno how much he hated the stigma that surround death, always said that it wasn't "the end of the story."

that it was simply just another chapter in the book. it was a mentality that will shared with only techno, a mentality that broke techno more and more every day.

"i wish you could braid my hair." techno chuckled, wiping the tears from his eyes and snot from his nose. he just sat there, staring at the tombstone that mocked him every time he visited ——— threatening to start a never ending fire in his soul as he held back his tongue.

he hated his brother's grave, hated how unkept it was, hated the wording on his little brother's tombstone, hated the way the grass patches grew. he hated it all.

then he saw it, behind the stone was a small oxeye daisy planted into the ground. it made him smile, he knew who had planted it. the only person who loved those shitty things was also the same person who was allergic to them.     "thanks tommy." he smiled as he gently rubbed the petals.

"tommy hated when you told him that those flowers meant innocence. he was so pissed off, told you he'd know more about flowers than you. i mean, he wasn't wrong. look at your grave now, a rose to represent healing, a chrysanthemum to represent death, and a gladiolus to represent remembrance and strength. he talked to you through flowers —— i wonder if you heard him."

he left the flower and moved his attention to the vase of flowers tommy had brought. "he put a lot of thought into this-" he stopped himself as he heard footsteps from behind him.

it was fundy, a picnic basket in hand and a vase of roses in another. "hey uncle tech!" he exclaimed happily. "hey there little man jr." techno replied.

"whatcha doing here? no one visits dad." fundy furrowed his brows while setting the vase and basket down. "he's my little brother, i visit him quite often." techno answered slightly offended. "hmm, i never see you. i've only ever seen uncle tommy and one time i came with uncle tubbo. grandpa phil brought me once too." he explained while taking the food out of the basket.

"what'd you bring?" techno asked while taking the vase of roses and setting it beside will. "some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, dad always made them for me on fridays." he smiled while handing one to techno.

"thank you fun-" he was cut off by more footsteps. "your hair is a mess." phil laughed. "grandpa!!" fundy jumped up, embracing him and pulling him down to sit.

"i have an extra sandwich, just for you." fundy happily stated while handing him the sandwich. "thank you fundy, pb&j's used to be your dad's favorite."

"yeah, i miss him." fundy sighed, taking a bite of his sandwich and scooting closer to his grandfather. phil put his sandwich down and motioned techno to get closer to him.

"what?" techno laughed. "let me braid your hair, it looks messy." phil smiled. techno's heart warmed as he felt his dad's fingers untangle his hair. "you used to love when will would untangle your hair." phil chuckled. "he had to it quite often since you always liked to ruffle it!" techno smiled.

"my dad would do tiny braids in my hair whenever he was stressed, it was funny." fundy giggled. "grandpa would twirl my hair whenever he was stressed." techno laughed with him.

"because you were the only one who had your hair long! tommy, wilbur and tubbo all hated brushing it so they chopped it off." phil retorted.

they sat there, enjoying the company they had all believed they'd never have again. laughing as they told stories of will and his adventures, their favorite memories of him.

fundy hadn't had the company of anyone besides tubbo for quite a while. none of the really had anyone, it felt nice.

but fundy got the final words in, words they wished they never heard... the time they took healing just seemed to reverse,

"i saw my dad recently, he hugged me... he's kind of cold now."

a/n: private eyes by hall and oates is a banger.

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