xix. brothers, forever?

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𝐈𝐓'𝐒 𝐌𝐘 𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐍,chapter nineteen!━━

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chapter nineteen!

TOMMY collapsed, the weight of his brother leaning on his shoulder combined with the hours of walking they had done was finally getting to him.

he skinned his elbow as he fell, a pool of blood coloring the gravel as Wilbur muttered some foul words at his little brother. "we need to keep moving, tommy." he coughed out.

"we're both not okay, will. we need to rest." tommy stated sternly. "give me your leg." tommy ordered while pulling out the first aid kit from his backpack. will reluctantly did so and hissed as the alcohol came in contact with his fairly fresh wound.

tommy sighed and took a swig of the vodka, patching up his big brother's leg before tending to his face. tommy brought the alcohol pad to will's under-eye and softly wiped it.

"tubbo will meet up with us shortly." tommy smiled. will wasn't too happy with that though. "why? so he can watch us be thrown out of L'manberg again?"

"you know he couldn't do anything." tommy reminded. "he would've never known his dad if it wasn't for me-" tommy cut will off. "our dad is his dad. phil is our dad. phil is his dad. he grew up alongside us."

this wasn't the first time tommy had to correct will when talking about tubbo's dad. it wasn't even the first time he had to correct anyone in general. people always tried to make those comments, people in school, people in town, tubbo himself.

tommy hated it. phil loved them all equally and tommy was the most aware one of them all.

he finished wrapping will's wounds and then began to focus on his own, a frail silence falling in between the two. "i just think he should've tried to stop it." will laughed.

"just shut up, will! jesus- we were just thrown out of our home and you can't even take a little blame! for once just own up to the fact that you messed up!" tommy retaliated.

will pushed himself up, his face contorting as he tried to stifle the pain. "oh tommy, i've owned up to a lot of my mistakes. jesus christ tommy- i'm a dad! i became a dad when i was just 18! i'm a former alcholic! i know about fucking mistakes!"

tommy's eyes widened as he looked up at his brother like a scolded child. "tommy, i- stop trying to be macho! when i told you that you were beneath power, i didn't mean it as ammo for you to challenge that. it's the truth."

"it's not the truth, and i'm not trying to be macho, will-"

"TOMMY! LISTEN TO YOURSELF. you're doing it again. you're getting defensive; you're in the wrong here. you always blame me. what have you done?"

"what have i done? will, who was there to clean up all your drunken outbursts?! who was there to stop you every time you tried to relapse?! who was it there by your side as you puked your guts out after a fight with dad?! WHO WAS THE PERSON THAT SLEPT OUTSIDE WITH YOU IN THE SNOW AFTER TECHNO KICKED YOU OUT OF HIS HOUSE?! WHO IS THE PERSON THAT WAS THROWN OUT WITH YOU?! i've been by your side this entire time. i've gone through your struggles with you. don't you dare ask me what i've done, and don't act like i haven't contributed to your success. and yeah, i got defensive, because guess what, MY BIG BROTHER TAUGHT ME TO NEVER LET ANYONE WALK OVER ME." tommy finished with a scoff and walked off to the forrest.

"don't walk away from me! we're not done." will yelled after him, limping in his direction. "yeah. we are. this conversation is over because one of us will regret something we say." tommy replied as he climbed down into a ravine.

"TOMMY!" will yelled after him. tommy didn't react just continued further into the ravine. will sighed and shakily followed his brother in.

he hated ravines, there was far too much danger and their dad had strictly forbidden any of them exploring one without him or a large party present.

"tommy." he called out, his voice bouncing from wall to wall. "please will, go back up, leave me alone for just a second." tommy called back.

will turned the corner to be met with his brother. "please, tommy i-" he was cut off. "NO WILL. i'm sick of this, it's always me. i haven't lived a normal life since i was 4. i just want to be normal! it's not easy for me either." he wiped his nose and continued walking.

"tommy." he was ignored, but he continued to follow after his little brother. then he saw it, a creeper —— just like that, he froze, he wanted to cry, curl up into a ball and disappear. ever since he was 6 he has had a severe fear of creepers and tommy was aware of it.

"tommy, get back here." he spoke, his voice quavering. "no will, you're not the boss of me." tommy scoffed, throwing his hands up, a loud echo traveling throughout the ravine.

then they heard it, the hissing of the creeper —— tommy froze in place as he stared at the thing, his heart in his throat and his stomach flipped. "TOMMY, MOVE!!" will yelled, running at him full speed and tackling him.

will placed his hands over tommy's ears as they awaited the loud echoing explosion. their eyes shut tightly and their jaws clenched.

the noise had popped their ears and will right away grabbed tommy's face and yelled, "PLEASE BE MORE CAREFUL, TOMMY! ARE YOU OKAY? ARE YOU OKAY?!"

will frantically examined tommy, head to toe, tears filling both their eyes as he did so ——— he was so distracted by making sure that tommy was okay that he didn't even notice his own injury.

"will." tommy choked out. "what is it tommy?" will asked as he continued to examine him. "y-your leg." he gagged.

will's head shot back to land his eyes upon his bloody calf. he didn't feel any pain though, it just, he didn't feel anything. "i'm fine tommy, it's okay." he lied.

the panic and adrenaline rushing through his body was distracting him from the pain and he was well aware of it, but the longer he'd put out the strong exterior the calmer tommy would be. they were about 10 feet away from the explosion, but it still hurt will pretty badly.

"i'm sorry will, i didn't mean for you to get hurt-"

"please tommy, stop apologizing. it's okay, i'm okay."

"you don't hate me? you can hate me, i'm sorry, i should've been looking-"

"tommy. i could never and will never hate you. you're my brother. we're always going to be brothers. listen to me, we're brothers forever."

tommy now stood at his big brother's grave, a red nose and a hand full of oxeye daises.

"brothers, forever? i think you lied to me again, will."

a/n: mmmmm, family angst *lip bite*

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