xxxi. be careful

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𝐈𝐓'𝐒 𝐌𝐘 𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐍,chapter thirty-one!━━

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chapter thirty-one!

IT was just like any other day, y/n sat by the window, looking out and hoping she'd spot tommy on his way back. it'd been a week and half since he'd left ——— and phil had begged techno to try and take her out of the house (as all of his attempts had got him no where.)

she'd just sit there, all hours of the day, eating her breakfast, lunch and dinner by the window (if she was up for it.) they hadn't gotten a single day of training done all week because of it —— and every time they'd try to pull her out of the room she'd ignore them for hours after.

it broke phil's heart to see her in her room all the time, tommy had made her happy and he ruined that. "y/n?" techno knocked on her open door. her eyes didn't leave the window, "yes, tech?" she replied.

"can you turn around please?" he asked softly. she groaned, "do i have to?" "i'd prefer if you did." he laughed. she turned around, her whining stopping as her eyes landed on the set of netherite armor displayed in the corner of her room.

"techno, you didn't." she stood up, her eyes sparkled as her fingers trailed the black armor, the feeling of the engraved pattern spreading a smile across her face.

"i did." he smiled, jokingly placing a hand upon his hip as he posed. "thank you." she let go of the armor and ran at him, her arms wrapping around his torso and her face now buried in his chest.

"no problem, kid." he laughed, patting her back before she pulled away. "now get ready. and don't forget to bind! we're raiding a bastion today." he smiled before walking out of the room and out to his house to get changed.

she smiled to herself and happily danced around her room. while she didn't want to risk the chance of missing tommy coming back home, she also just got her own set of armor. it was a difficult decision, but she chose to go with techno.

she looked around her room and hoped she'd find some binding tape, she even searched her armor, but there wasn't any there. she sighed and began to walk downstairs, phil down in the kitchen preparing what she'd only assume was lunch.

"hey! you're out of your room!" he exclaimed happily. "yeah, i am." she laughed, walking over to the kitchen and sitting down on the stool, "whatcha making?"

"i'm starting on dinner, but for lunch i made you guys some sandwiches, they're over on the counter." he replied while chopping the onions.

"have you told fundy the food's ready?" she asked while picking up the plate. "i haven't, he's in his room over at techno's, would you mind giving it to him?" phil asked as he threw his garlic and onions in the pan, the tasty aroma making her mouth water.

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