vi. best for the country.

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IT'S MY TURN,chapter six!━━

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chapter six!

TOMMY stood there, staring at the tall thick obsidian walls that laid around L'manberg. he trusted tubbo wouldn't listen to dream and that they'd fight this, together —— like they always do. he wandered around as tubbo and dream made their decisions. there was no doubt in his mind that tubbo wouldn't betray him.

two days ago was nothing, he apologized. i mean, his best friend wanted him to lie, and all he wanted to do was defend himself.

he tried his best to listen to their conversation, but every time he got too close, dream would place his hand on his sword.

every so often he'd catch a glimpse of what dream had to say though. one sentence in particular that stuck with him, "you're L'manberg's greatest ruler, tubbo." he was baiting him... manipulating his decision, fucking sugar-coating!

tommy's heart broke as he saw the small smile that formed on tubbo's face when those words hit his ears.

the pride he had. the high he got off of the praise of others.

techno was right. power —— power ruined everything. corrupted those who were once so innocent, once so morally correct. takes away everything you have ——— everything you are. strips you of you and replaces you with a power-hungry bastard.

his best friend shook hands with dream and faced tommy.

tommy felt like he was just punched in the windpipe, he couldn't breathe, the world felt like it was caving in. he knew the decision that was made, and he just didn't want to believe it.

"tommy, i'm sorry. but you are here by, exiled." his eyes flooded with tears and tubbo stood there with a straight face. his heart shattered and his the tears flowed out. he babbled, the words unable to properly slip out.

"dream, escort tommy out of L'manberg." he ordered.

what a sick bastard, his own brother?! his best-friend? they grew up together. they cried together. they shared everything. what was one without the other?

dream smirked under his mask as he held his sword against tommy's torso. tubbo walked away with quackity and fundy, tommy attempting to inch closer towards him. "tubbo!" he cried out, the sword creating a small stab wound in his abdomen.

the sword exited and reentered the new wound repeatedly, but nothing could hurt as much as this. as much as watching your best-friend —— your brother walk away from you and exile you from the country for a prank gone wrong.

tubbo tried his best not to care, this decision was for his country. tommy screwed himself over, made his bed —— it was now his time to lay in it. he couldn't be selfish. tommy had to face the consequences of his actions.

tubbo only did what was right, right? he wasn't schlatt, he wasn't his dad. he listened, he tried to help. tommy just couldn't shut up. couldn't sit quiet! if only he had just respected tubbo's wishes —— if only he had LISTENED to him. they wouldn't be in this situation.

tommy fell to his knees, a heart breaking —— ugly sob escaping his lips. he buried his face in his hands and tried his best to hide his regret, his pain. dream just rolled his eyes and pulled the boy up. "it's time you leave."

tommy looked at him and pulled his arm out of his grasp. "let me go pack." he muttered all his insults as they made their way to tommy's home. he grabbed a bag and filled it with the bare necessities. he looked around, trying to spot tricks.

"hey dream, do you see tricks anywhere?" he questioned while still looking around his home. "uhm, nope." dream lied as he saw ranboo pet her outside. "give me a second to find her, please. she's all i have left." tommy pleaded.

"you have five minutes, then we're gone." dream responded. tommy thanked him and continued frantically searching his home.

dream walked out of the home and told ranboo to take tricks to his house. that tommy had to leave and that tommy trusted ranboo would keep her safe. ranboo agreed and carried the tiny raccoon to his home.

tommy came out, looking defeated. she never left the house, she absolutely hated interactions with anyone but him or his family. it made no sense to him that she wasn't anywhere to be seen.

"hey sapnap!" tommy yelled after him. sapnap turned around and stopped, "yeah?" "i know it's a long shot, but, have you seen tricks?" he was very reluctant to ask sapnap this question. "who?" "tricks, my pet raccoon." he hesitated before the explanation eagerly slipped from his mouth.

"no, but if i find her, i'll be sure to bring her to you." he smiled and continued on with his walk. "your time's up." dream laughed.

tommy agreed and picked up his bag. he'd just have to hope that she was safe. as he passed by ranboo he signed to him, "visit me, please."

ranboo felt a warmth in his heart as he finally knew that tommy did take the ASL classes he had asked him to. he nodded in agreement and ran to his house.

he took out the morse code book tommy had bought him. he knew what tommy signed was more than met the eye.

he somehow was able to memorize how tommy tapped his foot. he flipped through the pages, analyzing every single tap.

he made out one word, "cantaloupe."

there had to be more.

he tried to remember the other taps. he tapped his finger, trying to find the beat. he flipped through the pages, there had to be something. he was getting frustrated. "cantaloupe?" what the fuck did that mean; cantaloupe? what the fuck was a cantaloupe?!

he threw the book. his breath shaky and his head pounding.

was this a fucking prank? some sick little joke tommy played?!

as he turned his attention to the book across the room he noticed a loose piece of a paper that peeked through the pages. he went towards it, the words —— they were in enderian. his fingers trailed over the gold ink. how had he never seen this page before?

"⟟⎎ '⎐⟒ ⋏⟒⎅ '⏁⏃⌰⍜⎍⌿⟒,' ⏃⏁☊⊑ ⎍⍀ ☊☍. ⟒⟒⌿ ⎍⏚⏚⍜ ⋏⎅ ⍀⟟☊☍⌇ ⌇⏃⎎⟒. ⌿⌰⟒⏃⌇⟒ ⎅⍜⋏' ⎎⏃⟟⌰ ⋔⟒, ⍀⏃⋏⏚⍜⍜." he frantically read the page.

"if i've signed 'cantaloupe,' watch your back. keep tubbo and tricks safe. please don't fail me, ranboo." was what it said.

why does he need to watch his back?

why did he need to keep them safe?

what wasn't being told to him?

he folded up the secret notes page and shoved it into his memory book. packing emergency bags and hiding tricks. he knew his job. he knew what he had to do.

but he stared back at the paper.

" ⍀⎍⌇⏁ ."
a/n: hi! bye :)

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