iv. a warm night around the fire

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IT'S MY TURN,chapter four!━━

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chapter four!

THEY all sat around the campfire, bowls of mushroom soup being passed around as she told her story. blankets wrapped around themselves, the smell of the burning wood comforting them all.

"so you're own BROTHER is chasing after you because you used him to find a boy?" tommy questioned as he placed heavy emphasis on the 'brother' part. "well when you put it like that it sounds bad-" she laughed anxiously.

"what's so special about this boy?" alex tickled while serving himself another bowl of soup. "he- uhm, i don't know." she admitted. tommy scooted closer and looked her in the eyes. "you're lying."

she scoffed, "how would you possibly know that?" "because i can see it in your eyes." she sighed. "he was just really nice to me."

"your brother sounds like an ass." alex said in between his slurping. "no! my brothers were great." she defended. "where are they?" 'ghostbur' questioned innocently. "uh, they- i haven't seen them in a while." she fiddled with the spoon in her bowl as she tried to get her story straight.

"well, i'm stuffed and tired." alex stood up while rubbing his stomach. "night!" he laughed and made his way back inside the house. "i'm gonna go with big q to get some rest!" wilbur chuckled happily before following.

y/n and tommy sat next to the fire, a comforting silence falling on them. that silence didn't take long to get broken by tommy though, "so, why haven't you seen your brothers in a while?"

she stiffened at the question, her anxiety filling her as she found no easy way of telling this story. so while trying to collect the right words to say, it just splat out,  "my parents died when i was 4." tommy immediately apologized, unsure of how to react. "don't be. they had it coming. they were good parents, just had some debts they had to pay." she finished her soup and got up, but before she could do anything tommy stopped her.

"stay out here with me, please?" this request caught her off guard, they literally just met, what was with the need for her to stay? "why?" she laughed. "you scared of being alone?" she joked. "yes actually." he frowned.

she sighed out a "sorry," and sat back down next to him. "let's talk then. let's talk about L'manberg." she smiled. he nodded and began to explain to her just how beautiful that country was.

she listened in awe. she was never apart of a nation, country or town even. she lived in the woods and would travel an hour or two out to visit a village to grab food when she ran out. never did she ever feel welcomed in them —— maybe that's all she'd allow herself to feel, but nonetheless it did define her experiences.

"are cars allowed in L'manberg?" she asked. he laughed, "of course they are, well, on the roads of L'manberg. why do you ask?" she looked up, embarrassed, "well, in the villages i've been to as well as places near my home, it's strictly forbidden to have or drive a car. i only knew cars we're a thing because of how highly shamed they are."

"really? i don't think my dad would've been able to handle all of us without a car." he laughed. "you have more than one sibling?" she questioned. "yeah, i have two other brothers. as well as big q and his pals who would constantly be over at our house." she once again sat there in awe. she never got to experience big family gatherings or big holiday parties or even christmas morning.

she hardly had any family before she lost them. it was just her, her parents and her brothers. no cousins. no aunts. no uncles. a very lonely life if you asked her. while her family was her world, it didn't change the fact that it was small. once her small world was gone it legitimately felt like she no longer had anything at all.

so she cherished the stories she heard from anyone or anything and imagined herself in those situations. it seemed to make everything better. made reality feel non-existent. it was comforting to just forget about what was really happening and dream for a little.

tommy stopped himself from his continuous rambling and asked her a question, "do you have any memories with your family?" she smiled at him, she never had anyone but herself to tell these stories to, "yeah, i have a few." he rested his chin on his hand as he waited for the storytelling to start.

she laughed and began, "one day while my brothers were playing tag, this slime cube came hopping at them, now i was around 4 at this time and we had spent about 2 months sword training. now slimes aren't the easiest things to kill and their acidic outside doesn't help." she stopped and let out a chuckle before continuing.

"so my brothers, trying to be macho, decided to grab their training swords. training swords are just pure iron. no enchantments and no jewels. nothing. they slid their swords through the slime and their swords melted. now at this point, they were terrified. as you're aware, or should be, acid burns fucking suck, and hurt like literal hell. so my brother, dweeb, decided he'd be brave." she once again let out a laugh.

"we have these things called firestarters, and they were only to be used in extreme circumstances. so he shoved my eldest brother out of the way as well as me and threw the firestarter into the slime. now when these things hit the ground, gravity does it's work and helps light it. but this was just stuck in the center of the slime as it kept moving closer to him. and he panicked and grabbed my dad's sword. my dad had spent around 7 months in the nether making this sword. and netherite swords are fucking HEAVY." she explained while glancing over at her sword that rested on the tree stump.

"so he stabbed the sword in and ignited the fire starter. the slime blew up and it went everywhere. my brother getting the worst of it. my eldest brother, charlie, he got a huge acid burn on his back, and my brother dweeb got one on his face. me, i got one on my left arm." she laughed while lifting up her sleeve.

tommy's eyes widen as he trailed his fingers over the large scar. "does it hurt?" he asked while poking at it. "nope, it's pretty much numb in that area. very limited feeling there." she laughed. "how about your brothers?" he asked worried. "well, dweeb has a huge scar on his face that he hates and would keep hidden behind a mask, not sure if he still does. and charlie, charlie loved showing it off. he had to go through a lot of physical therapy with my mom as his back healed, since the burn was so severe. and dweeb had to as well, his cheek healing process was horrid. a lot of the times it would get infected and when the hole was healing it just had many pieces of skin trying to tie itself back together. he couldn't really eat or drink as it'd come out of the hole. and anything that touched it hurt far beyond your imagination."

tommy sat there amazed with the one story she had told him so far. he had no story to compare to hers, all he could offer was his trauma and even then he wasn't aware that it was trauma —— well denied the fact that it was. the night grew darker as they shared stories. y/n telling him about her hunting and awesome battles and tommy telling her about his family trips and dinners.

they enjoyed each others presence, it was nice. neither of them felt forced to talk to the other, it just naturally flowed out of them. it was the first comforting talk they had each had in a quite a long time.

they were two teens who held no judgement on the other.

how nice.

a/n: ah

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