xv. babysitting is hard

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𝐈𝐓'𝐒 𝐌𝐘 𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐍,chapter fifteen!━━

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chapter fifteen!

HE sat there, watching his nephew sleep. he couldn't take his eyes off him; he was too scared. Tubbo was only 18 and had the responsibility of the nation as well as his brother's son.

he had consciously made the decision to exile his younger brother and felt far too much regret to see it as right. the decision had felt so right in the moment though...

"tubbo, you in here?" he heard a voice call out. he turned around to see ranboo there, a huge smile on his face as he held onto their belongings.

they were going to their secret home in the nether to visit their son —— their secret son. "yeah, let me just leave fundy a note."

he picked up a pen and a sticky-note, leaving it on his bed-side table before giving him a kiss on the forehead.

it read:

Hey Fundy,
Ranboo and I went out just for a little... please don't be scared, big guy. i promise we'll be back shortly! If you need anything Grandpa's number is on the phone. You know where to find Puffy or Sam if anything is urgent. I asked Dream to patrol around the house just incase, but he won't be around until 12am (just incase we're late.) Please remember Big Q is not currently home so you can't find him here in L'manber. I love you, Fundy. Stay safe.

- Uncle Tubbo

tubbo slid on his shoes and armor and grabbed ahold of his husbands hand. "We'll be back no later than 11pm right?" tubbo asked while looking at his watch that read 9pm. "yeah! i know you don't wanna leave fundy here alone too long." ranboo reassured.

tubbo shook off his nerves and followed ranboo through the portal. "he's nine years old, i'm sure he could stay alone for a little." tubbo laughed and continued, "i mean, when i was nine my dad was leaving me and tommy home alone, he'll be fine."

but he wasn't...

you see, back in the overworld a thunderstorm had started and fundy absolutely HATED them.

they were possibly his biggest fear. and every time the lightning struck he swore he saw a monster in the shadows. he hid under his blankets and just prayed that his uncle would be back to comfort him. ——— he was so desperate for comfort that he even prayed his dad would be back.

he couldn't move out from underneath the covers, the task was simply impossible. he could barely croak out a word. he even felt like he couldn't breathe.

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