xiv. interlude I

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we all need them.

we'll all get ours... eventually.

death, marriage, children; we all know we'll get one if not all of those eventually ———— but what about the things we really want, maybe in the heat of the moment what we want, or maybe even what we need.

becoming so dependent on time and what it'll eventually give us...

so what happens when we no longer can wait for ours, when we get impatient... when we, take matters into our own hands, we let our turn happen —— what's the cost?

what's our payment? is it us that are paying, or our loved ones? the people around us, or our dignity?

our ability to sit there and wait, slowly yet surely deteriorating.


when we're growing up, we're taught to wait our turn, to be polite and let others go first. why were we taught the mentality that other's needs should always come before ours?

that when we can no longer take it, and finally snap ——— why are we then, in the wrong? why are we ungrateful or selfish or,,,,, inconsiderate?

since when did we not matter?

everyone has a breaking point, we all have something that finally tipped the scale.

before you judge a book by its cover, maybe read it...

each and every person has a story to tell, it's just the matter if you'll listen or not.

when do you finally become "selfish" and admit that it's your turn?

when is it... your turn?

a/n: :)

It's My Turn.                                                        (𝐃𝐒𝐌𝐏!)Where stories live. Discover now