xvii. a trip home

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𝐈𝐓'𝐒 𝐌𝐘 𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐍,chapter seventeen!━━

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chapter seventeen!

TOMMY tied his shoes as he waited for wilbur to finish saying goodbye to the house they lived in for like, a week...

it was poorly made and they would be able to visit it whenever —— i mean, it was jack's old home before he went adventuring.

"will, please can we get going?" tommy whined, the sun was now blazing and to enter l'manberg secretly was hard enough, entering while it was night was even harder. the security was 2x more efficient and ghostbur quite honestly didn't know how to remain quiet.

"tommy, i already told you! i don't like being called wilbur, it makes me feel like a bad guy." he sighed while floating towards the group.

"right, sorry ghostbur." as those words left tommy's lips he felt a pain in his heart, it just hurt to have to let go of his big brother.

"well let's get on our way then!" jack yelled while picking up his bags.

he was over the moon, excited to see his dad again. not so much his big brother george nor was he happy or warmly welcomed when he was greeted by alex —— but his dad was the only person he had actually came home for.

"shut up jack." alex yawned while taking a sip from his flask. "it's 10am, can you go one morning without drinking?" jack questioned, very obviously annoyed.

"it's my liquid courage, so no." he smirked while taking a swig directly in front of his face. "you're an asshole." jack huffed.

jack absolutely hated alcohol, he admits that it can be fun to have a drink or two ———- but after seeing what it did to Will he never touched the stuff.

he was 21 years old and seeing his 26 year old brother drink for breakfast was a normality that's been there since he was 15. "let's just go, i wanna see dad." he picked up his pace as they followed his lead.

"so what happen to that girl?" jack asked. "i'm not sure." tommy answered. he wasn't lying, he had absolutely no idea where she had went.

"i hope she's okay." ghostbur announced. "there's no need to send your hope, she was no one to us-" quackity scoffed. "can you stop being an asshole for one fucking second?" jack shot back.

alex threw his arms up in defense as he mocked jack to tommy quietly. "god, three years and you still haven't grown up." jack stated.

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