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IT'S MY TURN,chapter twelve!━━

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chapter twelve!

SHE frantically walked through the nether, the paths were very much all over the place. chunks were gone and there were even slight cracks in some of the blocks. these paths were 30 feet over boiling lava, a horrific way of dying.

she was sweating far more than she had expected as her anxiety and the heat ate at her. as she walked over the path she just couldn't help but think about how easy this seemed. despite the various portals that could lead her to various places, she felt like it was far too fishy.

her hands shook and her feet ached. she had no armor whatsoever and even if she had the bare minimum of iron armor, it would surely melt while traveling through here.

the forming blisters on her feet made her gag. the way she imagined they looked was far more disgusting than it should've been, but she couldn't help but visualize them as these horrendous bloody, puss-filled balls growing on her feet.

she was dehydrating and her water was quite literally evaporating before her eyes.

she'd been in here no less than an hour and was already preparing for her death. she never had to worry about the horrendous heat of the nether, it never really occurred to her. she'd only ever visited the nether once and that was when she 4. she lived comfortably in her home in the woods, she was secluded and never bothered.

she went hunting and shopping in *various* villages (hours away from her home) not very often. she was always alone and at the time, it never really bothered her. she read hundreds of books to pass the time and made money to buy them by selling and making potions for a village 5 hours away. 

the way her life got so isolated was depressing, but her life after, being oblivious and alone, wasn't as bad as anyone would think. she simply believed her siblings would eventually come back or that she'd just randomly find a reason to leave home permanently.

the education she got was from a local village that needed no parental permission whatsoever. she even learned how to hunt and fight with the help of a random boy she'd met in the forest. he'd unfortunately passed due to a creeper, but the lessons she learned stuck with her.

the nether just was no place for her.

she could feel herself getting tired, not even having the energy to pant or yield her sword. she just walked over to the warped forest and rested against a tree trunk. the heat from the floor no longer bothered her, it was cooler here. the grass-like material that laid upon the netherrack was a comforting barrier from the hot rock-like floor. 

she just wanted to sleep, her last ounce of water was boiling and the blisters on her feet felt like they were about to burst. she swallowed the last bit of water, ignoring the burn that went down her throat as she did so.

she then felt it, the swift wind of an arrow pass through the air. the loud thud of the arrowhead hitting the tree trunk she rested on, awakening her. then she spotted it, a skeleton 30 feet away from her.

she jumped to her feet and began to take cover, hissing as she sucked on her fingers. the grass-like material on the netherrack was scratchy and had cut up her fingers when she pushed herself up.

she looked over at her current threat, she didn't have a bow nor did she know how to use one. her anxiety rose and her hands became clammy. she just wanted to go home.

while she gathered up her courage she heard the rattle of bones come closer. her breathing got heavier and the knot in her throat got tighter, she was not physically able to do this, she felt as if she was going to collapse any second now.

then she heard it, like music to her ears, the banging of bones and rocks fall into the lava, a sizzling sound calming her. she got out from behind the tree to be met with a winged man with a green hat and sandals. no armor whatsoever-

his wings looked crooked though, had some feathers missing and some burn-like marks.

"are you alright there, mate?" he asked while pointing to her burnt-out shoes and bloody fingers. she nodded nervously as she put away her sword. he seemed like no threat and she honestly needed some form of help.

"no need to lie to me- here, come sit down; let me patch you up." he laughed while walking her over to another tree. "drink these," he said while handing her various potions.

"fire resistance will help with the heat of the nether, instant health is self-explanatory, and slow falling just in case." he laughed. she thanked him and scarfed down the unfortunately NASTY potions (at least the ones she made tasted remotely good.)

he washed her hands with some water he had in his backpack and before he could explain what he was doing next she abruptly asked, "how is your water still water?!"

he laughed at her outburst, "it was solid ice when i got in here. i've been here for no less than 20 minutes." she was amazed by how prepared the man was.

"sorry, i forgot to introduce myself, i'm Philza." he smiled.

she felt stupid, how could she not recognize The Great Philza Minecraft. the guy who traveled the most dangerous parts of the world, who fought an army of Withers while a hundred Blazes fired at him ———— or at least that's what the stories told.

she felt a small smile creep on her face, she could hear her dad fangirling in the back of her head.

"y/n," she shook his hand. at that moment, first impressions mattered more than anything.

"you seem lost, and quite unprepared. so i'm going to send you through my portal to my home." he announced. she shook her head violently, "no, there's no need for that-" he immediately cut her off, "you're not well. you nearly had a heat stroke and i can't imagine how your feet are doing after walking on these HOT floors with no armor-"

she couldn't deny anything said, she was in quite a lot of pain. "i'll be fine."

as that sentence slipped her lips she felt a sudden sharp pain in the right side of her head. it was so painful that she even curled her toes (nearly popping her blisters.) she just wanted to bang her head against the tree, ya know, hopefully it'd shake her brain so hard that it'd go away.

her eyes shut tightly as she tried to rid herself of the pain, hoping this was a mind over matter situation and she could just convince her brain the headache was non-existent.

"you're not." he threw her another instant health potion and waited until she could walk on her own to give her the directions to his portal. it was about 20 minutes of walking


but then she made it. independently.

she made it to the portal and she couldn't help but feel nauseous. the swirls of the portal made her stomach flip and the feeling of your body sliding into another world made her stomach churn, it was such an intense and weird overload going through the portals; she hated it.

she touched the rocky obsidian and felt herself immediately calm down. the texture was so distracting that even the overall heat of the nether felt non-existent.

she stepped through and felt the cold wind hit her face.

woah, what a crazy two days.

a/n: minecraft

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