ix. the fall and the hope

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IT'S MY TURN,chapter nine!━━

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chapter nine!

WILL stood tall on the hill, his little brothers and dad watching him 40 feet below him. he had to be strong for tommy, to show him that flying wasn't scary.

it was mid august and fall had nearly began. the nice breeze ruffling his feathers and calming him down. he pulled out the photo from his pocket, it was a family outing photo. all of them in a river, tommy and tubbo swimming, nearly 2 years old.

he rubbed his thumb over it, this was for them.

he shook off the nerves as he heard the cheering and support coming from his family; he was just waiting for techno. he needed the support of his big brother, this would be his first time flying this high and he was far beyond nervous.

he rubbed his hand together, attempting to get the quick adrenaline rush. he just prayed, not to a god but the universe, just hoping that they'd bring his brother before he was forced down.

"will, it okay if you're not ready yet!" phil yelled, to which wilbur only heard a whisper.

he felt like if he backed out that he'd be disappointing them all, and he just couldn't do that. his family were the only people he had to make proud.

he was only eighteen, he had only flown with his dad and it was never this high up, or at least never felt that way.

his eight year old brother looked up at him, in awe of him and his courage, only if tommy could see through the act.

wilbur's heart broke, he had to do this, for tommy. for his dad, for tubbo, for his mom, —— for techno. he needed to make them proud, he needed that pat on the back.

he NEEDED to prove to himself that he could do this. that he could finally leave the "crow nest."

he closed his eyes and jumped, completely and utterly relaxed, he flew.

his family cheered so loudly that it felt as if they were flying with him. he smiled excitedly as he swirled around a tree and inched towards the ground, spooking them.

the wind flew through his hair and made him feeling tingly. he was proud of himself, his dad was proud. tommy was star struck. he felt like he had finally done something good for them, just this once, he had done something right.

then he heard it, his big brother. "woo! go will!" techno yelled.

will's eyes flooded with tears as he caught a glimpse of him.

he was actually there, he had kept his promise.

but his vision was blurred, he couldn't see properly. he panicked, trying to land he fell down a 40 feet tall tree. his body hitting every branch on the way down ——— breaking his wings and landing in a large body of water.

phil's heart stopped as he flew up to find his son. "GET YOUR BROTHERS OUT OF HERE, TECHNO."

his voice boomed and he was soon out of sight, the fear and utter panic finally settling in.

techno frantically shoved his brothers in his car before driving them home. he needed to call sam or puffy so that they could take care of the boys while he helped find his brother.

his anxiety was high and it broke his heart to hear tommy sob and tubbo try to cheer him up. he wanted to hug them, but couldn't take his eyes off the road.

"will wilby be alright?" tommy asked in between sobs. "yes, wilby will be alright; he is super strong, i promise." technos voice cracked as he stated that.

he was also trying to convince himself that he'd be alright, he needed someone to reassure him.

tubbo just stared out the window, he needed no reassurance, will was the second strongest person he knew (phil being the first.)

he tapped his fingers to the beat of Your Song by Elton John; it was wilbur's favorite song. he sang it almost everyday. sang it when he was sad, when he was mad, when he was happy, frustrated, scared. nervous. anything.

this song was nothing but comfort to will. the song simply reminded him of his mom. the nights she tried putting him to sleep while his dad was out exploring.

the day they found techno. the afternoon they found tubbo. the night tommy was born. the morning he lost his mom. the song he sang at her funeral.

every big moment in his life, included this song. it was apart of him, apart of his family.

techno cried as tommy and tubbo softly sang the song. he knew why they were singing, he knew they were singing to will. he wiped his tears and sang along with them.

"i hope you don't mind, that i put down in the words, how wonderful life is while you're in the world." they all sang. this was their reassurance. they needed this.

he pulled into the driveway and rushed them inside, grabbing the house phone and calling sam and puffy. they lived pretty close so he trusted the boys to stay put until they arrived. he left and drove straight back to the flying grounds.

he ran in the direction his dad flew. he just wanted to break down. he caught will off guard, he scared him, he hurt him. if anything happened, it was his fault.

he arrived to see phil holding wilbur in his arms, softly crying. he had forced him into flying even though will had expressed how scared he was. he just needed to help tommy overcome his fear, and the only way he would was if will did it.

"i'm so sorry, son." those words broke techno even more, he never called them son. he had only heard those words leave his mouth twice. both when death/loss was involved.

techno collapsed next to them, "wake up, will. please, for me." he whispered while laying his head on his chest. his heart beat was slow, but he was still breathing.

that conformation made him cry. tears of absolute joy. "c'mon little man, i know you can wake up. c'mon." he cheered.

he had no idea who he was without his little brother. he had no idea how he'd deal with the loss of his little brother. the thought/possibility never crossed his mind; it was something he never wanted to think about.

something he never thought he needed to think about.

phil stood up and carried will over to the cars. completely and utterly silent. he didn't even look at techno, and techno couldn't look at him.

the guilt ate at them both. they were the cause of this. when he woke up, they'd be the first to apologize.

they drove into l'manberg, receiving weird glares as phil carried will into the hospital.

the doctors couldn't save his wings and unfortunately had to remove them completely. a decision phil had to make for will. there was no point in keeping them, so he made a conscious decision not to.     a decision he shouldn't have made. will was old enough to do so.

who knew that the decision made to help him would've caused them so much trouble. who would've thought this would be the breaking point in their family. the final straw on the camels back.

the decision where all the things followed where blamed on the father. the father who rightly so,,, believed the blame.

how could a parent trying so hard, screw up so bad?

a/n: *crie*

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