iii. my friends?

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IT'S MY TURN,chapter three!━━

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chapter three!

DECEMBER 23rd, the day Tommy hosted a party while in exile. he sent wilbur to L'manberg with the invites. an invite for everyone. he didn't expect many of them to come. at most he expected tubbo, dream & ranboo —— maybe even his dad. but in the end, no one showed up.

not even wilbur.

he made sure his christmas party wasn't on christmas or even christmas eve so that whatever celebration was happening in L'manberg could still go on. he sat there at his makeshift table with plates and silverware, silverware he had spent so much time and money on. just awaiting for his friend's appearance.

he sat at that table for 4 hours before giving up. he had made food for them. he went into a village and bought groceries to make his friends a delicious meal. wilbur occasionally helping by stealing a box of matches or a recipe book.

every minute that passed by that day just felt like a jab at his heart. the only friends he had, didn't even show up. didn't even wish him a merry christmas. it hurt like hell on christmas day when wilbur returned home with goodies, gifts, and pictures from his lovely time at the christmas carnival.

tommy wanted nothing more than to be there with his friends, hugging them and handing them the gifts he had spent all year trying to get perfect. but he couldn't —— wilbur handed everyone the gifts that tommy got them and everyone thanked wilbur, tommy got no credit.

so when ranboo had finally traveled through the nether to visit tommy, it just felt like mockery. oh how tommy hated to be seen as less than. to be looked at as if he was a fool. someone to make jokes about. he would not be the root of your joke.

when ranboo moved to L'manberg tommy was his first and only friend. it just sucked knowing that ranboo didn't care enough to see him on such a big holiday.

"hey tommy!" ranboo yelled while running to his best bud. tommy just went stiff as ranboo wrapped his arms around him. he had no idea how to feel about him anymore. he was really hurt and didn't know how to express that.

but ranboo was the only person to ever visit him besides dream, and he just couldn't lose his only friend. "hey ranboo!" he placed on a vibrant smile and hugged him back. oh it felt so nice to have someone physically there with you.

tommy is a very touch-starved person, no matter how much he denies it. many if not all of his friends were aware of it. so those hugs that ranboo gave him every two weeks or every other day were somethings he cherished.

but he wanted to break down in tears, yell at ranboo for not joining him that evening. shun him for being such a bad friend. but he held his tongue. held back the tears, attempted to rid himself of the overwhelming amount of emotions he was now just challenged with.

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