xxii. i can't look at you.

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𝐈𝐓'𝐒 𝐌𝐘 𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐍,chapter twenty-two!━━

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chapter twenty-two!

THE night fell dark and the stars glowed slightly brighter than usual. today felt different —— it felt, nice...

it was december 4th and tommy was huddled under his blanket watching the stars and hoping he'd get back to his normal life soon.

his legs peeked out from underneath the blanket and were tickled with goosebumps; his hairs stood up and his toes wiggled. he liked this feeling, it was different than his usual lay in bed and skip meals until he physically couldn't ordeal.

"you'd like that i'm outside watching the stars instead of causing trouble, wouldn't you will?" tommy called out to no one. well, what seemed like no one.

from an outsiders perspective tommy just spoke to a starry sky ——— but to tommy he spoke to his big brother. he wasn't sure if he heard him or not, but the possibility of him listening was comforting.

"do you think tubbo is doing alright? i'm worried he's stressed out taking care of l'manberg on his own. worried he doesn't know what to do. not that i helped." he sighed.

"he's alright, i think. i don't know, he was quite mean to me yesterday." the voice of his brother echoed and tommy's head shot back. "will?" he shakily let out.

"hi tommy!" he smiled, floating towards him.

his pale skin and blue tinted fingers, fluffy yet flat brown hair and blood stained yellow sweater. oh the image of his brother broke his heart.

"will." tommy cried. his arms wrapped around the ghost and with that he knew it was real ——— but he couldn't even look at him, every time he did it just hurt. it tore his soul apart and ripped him up from the inside out.

his hands gently caressed his brothers face, his cold to the touch skin reminding him that his brother was in fact dead.

"this is my fault." he muttered, head down low as he couldn't even look his brother in the eyes. his foggy, lifeless eyes.

"what is, tommy?" wilbur asked. he was sincere, he genuinely had no idea what tommy blamed himself for.

"you're dead because of me." he sobbed, his voice cracking and nose running. wilbur placed a hand under tommy's chin and made him look at him. tommy shook his head out of his grasp and returned his eyes to the ground.

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