xviii. bad news, no matter how it's delievered, is the worst.

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𝐈𝐓'𝐒 𝐌𝐘 𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐍,chapter eighteen!━━

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chapter eighteen!

TUBBO stood proudly in the L'manberg tower, staring at the glistening buildings and happy people.

the guilt he'd felt was gone, and the shame of being related to the four people who tried to ruin (and run against) the country was finally starting to clear.

he then felt it, a hand on his shoulder —— the feeling of bad news being delivered creeping up his spine.

then he heard it, "tubbo, you may need to sit down."

oh, what a classic line, the starter of some of the worst news that could ever be delivered to you. why do i need to sit down? i'm just going to have to get back up again, so why stop me while i'm ahead?

dream sighed and tubbo's smile fell once he came face to face with dream. "i'm fine standing."

"alrighty then," without a second thought he just spoke, "i'm sorry to inform you, but tommy unfortunately has passed."

tubbo's heart stopped, his clammy hands let go of his tie and the tears began to fill his eyes. his mouth ran dry and the knot in his throat tightened.

he looked away and held onto the railing, tightening his grip until his knuckles began to turn white, "what?" he croaked out.

dream sighed and reluctantly placed a hand on the boy's shoulder once more. "when i visited him for his weekly visit, i saw a pillar with blood at the bottom of it ——— as well as a trail of blood leading to the forrest."

"i'm assuming he jumped and was later taken by a wolf."

tubbo's heart shattered and his knees buckled. there was no "sorry," or "my condolences," at the end of his sentences, he just spat them out like they were nothing.

dream was not meant to be a bearer of bad news, he was not even meant to be a bearer of good news —— he simply sucked at delivering news no matter what it may be.

"would you like me to inform the others or shall we keep this secret? i mean, not many people would care either way." dream stifled a laugh as he finished his sentence.

and that's where he drew the line, he was fine with people shit-talking will and techno, heck he'd even let it slide with phil, but no one, and i mean no one, was allowed to shit-talk his little brother.

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