v. why things fall apart

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IT'S MY TURN,chapter five!━━

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chapter five!

PHIL rushed out of the house, collecting what he needed before giving his sons a kiss on the forehead and thanking Techno for babysitting them on such short notice.

Techno was currently 18 (turning 19) and had already moved out about a month ago, so when he received a call from his dad asking him to babysit his brothers, it felt kind of comforting.

He (techno) turned around at the hyper boys and smiled. "hey tommy. hey tubbo." he greeted while playfully running towards them. tommy & tubbo were five and six, (absolute disasters of children.) they were either super hyper or super tired, never an in between —— but that was one of the many reasons why he loved them.

he looked around for wilbur, his favorite out of the bunch if you asked him. maybe because wilbur could actually have a proper conversation or maybe because wilbur was his first real brother. wilbur made him welcomed when he joined the family and they just always had each other's back.

wilbur rushed down the stairs and jumped onto his big brothers back, "i missed you techno! please don't leave again." he begged as he practically choked techno. techno laughed as he gently pulled the teen off. "i'm sorry little man, i gotta go after tonight, but don't worry, i'll always come back." wilbur hated when techno called him that, he was 16. only three years younger than him. but he brushed the nickname off and hugged his brother once more.

"anyway, who wants to go into the village and buy some stuff?!" techno questioned excitedly. tommy and tubbo both looked at each other as they raced up the stairs to change. "the village? which one?" wilbur asked. "just a village a little closer to my house, they have really good stuff there." he smiled before ruffling his brothers hair and chasing after the two children who had made their way upstairs.

"tubbo, put your pants on right, they go on your legs." techno laughed while walking over to help him. "tommy told me this was my warm shirt!" tubbo sighed. "because it is, tubbo! dad said that you need to wear your warm clothes if you think you're going outside." tommy scolded. techno took the piece of clothing from tubbo and analyzed it, it actually was a shirt.

"well, tommy wasn't lying. it's a shirt, i'm sorry tubbo." he laughed while helping the small child pull the shirt over his head, being cautious of his horns. "you warm?" tubbo nodded as 'yes' as he gave himself a hug. "that's good, you guys need to be warm for where we're going."

"where do you live techno?" tubbo asked while tommy struggled to pull the turtleneck over his head. "in a house, stupid." tommy muttered. "that's not nice! techno, tommy called me a mean word!" tubbo pouted as he pulled on his boots. "tommy-" tommy turned towards techno and techno bursted out laughing seeing the boy's face be covered by the neck of his shirt. "stop laughing techno!!! it's not funny." tommy stomped.

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