xxx. it's just a talk

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𝐈𝐓'𝐒 𝐌𝐘 𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐍,chapter thirty!━━

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chapter thirty!

TUBBO walked into his house, keys being spun on his finger as he began to search for something in his drawers. "michael needs a new nightlight." he whispered to himself.

"i should go visit bad or puffy, maybe they have an old one." as he shut his dresser shut and walked to the kitchen he picked up an apple and slid his keys into his pocket.

opening his front door to an angry tommy. "tom-" tubbo was cut off by his brother shoving himself into his home. "we need to talk." tommy stated sternly, arms crossed as tubbo closed the door.

"i don't have time for this right now, tommy. i have things to do, places to be." he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose while trying to comprehend his brother's rambling.

"you're not even listening to me! i'm pouring my heart out to you, telling you i'm sorry and trying to make things better and all you can do is roll your eyes in response?!"

tommy looked down at his older brother, a fragile frown on his face as he tried to make eye contact with the one he knew hated it the most. "ya know, forget it... i'm sorry to bother you." he chuckled, blinking away his tears before taking the apple from his hands and walking back out of the house.

tubbo groaned at his brother's dramatic-ness and ran to the kitchen to grab another apple, running out of his house and to puffy's ——— he genuinely didn't have the time nor energy to fight with his brother or even call dream to get him out, he could care less at this point.

as he passed through the country, waving to anyone who would do the same, he came across michelle carrying in the groceries to her mother's home.

tubbo jogged right over and helped her out by taking a few bags, opening the front door and catching up with her to his best ability.

"mom, tubbo's here!" michelle yelled while leading tubbo over to the kitchen. "just set em' here." she laughed before running upstairs. "MOM!" she yelled again.

puffy laughed downstairs in the living room, walking over to the start of the stairs and looking at her daughter. "ya know i'm down here, right?"

"OH!" she laughed, running down the stairs and embracing her mom. "anyway, whatcha doing here, tubbo? did your dad need something? IF SO, he should come to me himself, that man-" tubbo cut off her blabbering.

"no! uhm, can we talk in private?" he asked, looking her in the eyes with a pleading look. "oh, of course." she smiled while patting her daughter's back and signaling her to leave.

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