xxvi. the need to forgive and forget

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𝐈𝐓'𝐒 𝐌𝐘 𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐍,chapter twenty-six!━━

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chapter twenty-six!

IT had been a month now —— everything was going well. training days no longer were a drag, dinner was now inside, and tommy had gotten used to y/n's ridiculous sleep schedule.

fundy had moved in a few weeks ago and y/n hadn't bumped into charlie in a while, then again, she hardly ever went anywhere besides grocery shopping with tommy or phil.

throughout this month though, techno and tommy just clashed. techno was always extra tough on tommy, speaking to him in piglin so only they understood.

it always sounded angry though, every time y/n would try to ask tommy about it he'd tell her to forget about it, that he was "fine." —— she knew he wasn't, she knew it got to him, everyone knew it did, even a complete idiot could see it.

so today she sat on the porch, waiting for tommy to come out for their training, today was independent training, meaning no techno or phil to make them do drills or make them keep going once they were tired.

"tom-" she was cut off by the opening of the door. "i'm here, y/n" he laughed. she laughed with him and jumped up, "c'mon, we have the battle room to ourselves for 4 hours before fundy has to practice!"

she ran over to the fish pond and opened the trap door, climbing down the ladder as tommy followed, closing the trap door behind him.

as they put their water bottles and first aid kits down y/n could hear tommy mumble the same thing he mumbled every day for a month.

it was in piglin of course, so all it sounded like to her was grunts and snorts. "hey, what does that mean?" she questioned while beginning to remove her sweater and boots.

he laughed while setting his jacket on top of hers, "it's means, 'tomorrow isn't promised.'" she nodded while picking up one of the wooden swords from the chest, tossing one at tommy before going to the record player and placing on a random record.

"so is that more of a negative connotation or a positive one?" she asked as the music played in the background. "both? i don't know, i use it as a way to make my days feel better, no matter how shitty my current situation is. sort of like the sign of the cross or a prayer." he answered while adjusting his stance.

"your stance is fine." she reassured while swinging her sword. "techno always tells me it's poor." he laughed in response, dodging her swing.

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