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I held Amelia as she slept, and I begged the Gods to take away her pain. Just for one night I wanted her to forget about the terror she'd lived through. She felt safe enough to share her past with me, and I swore she would always feel that way. No harm would come to her. I know she didn't need me, and was capable of handling things on her own, but as long as I was in her life she would finally be surrounded with the love she deserved.

I would have left tonight, and tracked down her father myself, but that would have been a wasted night. She needed me here with her. I held her as she slept. I would wake when I heard her having one of her nightmares, and pulled her closer to me until the dream passed.

When she woke up I didn't want Amelia to have to worry about work, so I asked Marcus and Alfie to keep working on the journals. I enlisted the help of the twins, and set up a breakfast picnic for Amelia.

They helped me make the muffins and scones while Mom and I cooked the rest of the food. Mom made fresh lemonade and coffee. Ava helped set up a small spot in the backyard under a tree. I brought out her favorite books, and brought out pillows and blankets. It all felt a little cheesy while setting up, but if it would help Amelia forget about yesterday and put a smile on her face I didn't care.

When I was finished setting up I went to go wake up Amelia. I walked into my room, and found an empty bed. I looked for her in her room, but didn't find her. I walked back down to the kitchen.

"Mom, have you seen Amelia? She's not upstairs."

"I think I saw her talking with your father." She answered.

I walked to Dad's office, and saw Amelia walking out and closing the door.

"Why were you in the office?"

"I wanted to check in with your dad about yesterday." She said, sounding tired.

I knew there was more to her story, but I was anxious to show her my surprise.

"I need you to come with me and close your eyes."

"Why? Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise. Trust me."

I held out my hand for her and she grabbed it. I guided her outside to the blankets. I stood behind her and kept my hands over her eyes. She giggled with anticipation and tried removing my hands. I finally moved my hands, and let her open her eyes.

I leaned in front of her to get her reaction. She stood there awestruck at the breakfast I had set up.

"Theo!" She gasped. "You did all this?"

"I had some help from the twins and Mom."

She turned around and gave me a peck on the lips.

"Thank you, it's beautiful."

I held her hand and walked her across the blanket. We both sat, and I poured her a glass of lemonade. I pulled a dish towel off the muffin bowl. She looked up at me and gave me a cheerful smile. She clapped with excitement as I handed her a plate. She filled it full of sweets, and breakfast goods.

We ate and ate until we were so full we couldn't eat another scone, and then Amelia laid on my lap as I read out loud. I would pause every once in a while to lean down, and kiss her forehead and when I caught myself staring she would teasingly snap me back to reality.

We had spent most of the morning together when out of nowhere Amelia sat up. She looked anxious as she shuffled closer to me.

"Theo I'm leaving."

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