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"You're not an easy person to track down." Theo said, looking at me through the mirror.

"Maybe you should have taken the hint and stopped looking." I suggested.

He smiled as he asked, "So, does teaching just not pay enough? You had to get a side gig? Or, let me guess that wasn't the truth either Elena- wait no Amelia, my mistake.".

"Would you suggest the next time I meet someone in a bar I explain my situation? You were just as secretive about your work as I was about mine. You told me all about your work and your daddy issues, but you forgot to mention your dad was Lorenzo Romano" I spat back.

That made him angry. He clenched his jaw upset. I guess his dad was still a touchy subject.

"I think it goes without saying that both of us can be adults about this. That night should have no effect on our future business. I will not be reminded of that night at the hotel everytime we have to work together. I'm asking you to forget that night ever happened. Please." I asked, turning to face him. I stood tall as I spoke to him, but I was getting more anxious by the minute. Now that I was stuck in this room with him I was forced to look him in the eyes. I couldn't avoid him like at the table.

He was more handsome than I had remembered. His hair had grown longer since the last time we met. He let small curls fall on his forehead, and his eyes still held that dark, cold stare from before. His suit fit him tightly, clinging to the muscles on his arms. He looked more put together than the last time I saw him. Before in the hotel he was warm and carefree, but tonight he was firm and serious. If he could read my mind right now I would be in big trouble.

"You act like at the end of the night you're going to be given a chance to work with my family. What makes you think I'm going to let my father hire a liar? We value honesty in our household, and I just don't see it working out for you sweetheart." He said slowly walking up to me.

"Go ahead. Please, don't let me keep you from telling your dad the good news. Tell your dad he can't hire me as protection because we fucked weeks ago in one of his hotels. Tell him how I know all about him and his struggles with being the boss. Or tell him that his own son let an assassin walk right into his penthouse, and he didn't even know who she was let alone her real name. Or tell Alfie the reason you can't hire me is because you're afraid of me. We both know if you wanted me found you would have found me before tonight. I'm going to guess little Theo was scared he would get lucky and actually find me again. I'm almost certain once we tell him everything that I won't be the one he considers a risk. You were the one that left your family exposed, and while you were distracted looking for me I hear your family has been through quite a stressful month. Or, your second option is to grow up, and let me do my job. Alfie is like a brother to me. I promised him I would do everything I could to keep him and your family safe. If you're willing to tell your dad all about our date then go for it. There's no complaints here." I blurted out at him, hopefully calling his bluff.

It wasn't until I finished my dramatic speech did I notice he was standing a few inches from me. I could smell his intoxicating cologne, and I had to hold back every bone in my body that told me to jump him. I'd really done it now. I had pissed off the underboss, and I wasn't even officially hired yet.

I would never admit this to anyone for as long as I lived, and I was going to hell for thinking it, but Theo Romano was hot when he was angry. It excited me. His anger reminded me of what drew me to him that night in the bar. That danger was presenting itself to me right here in this bathroom.

He grabbed my shoulders and spun me around so my back hit the wall of the bathroom. He inched closer and closer to me, stopping centimeters away to whisper in my ear.

"You better watch your tone Miss. Monet. I don't respond well to being disrespected. You want to keep this professional? Go on with our lives as if nothing ever happened? I'm sure that won't be an issue. I have no problem welcoming you into my home, but first you have to confess." He growled in my ear.

"Confess what?" I asked.

He looked at me and leaned his whole body into me as he spoke, "Confess your sins from that night Amelia. Confess your moans, or when you grabbed my hair in pleasure. Or the sinful acts we committed together until you passed out in my arms. Every night I go to bed I can't stop myself from thinking about all the dirty things you did to me, and that look you gave me as you looked up at me from your knees. That mouth of yours should be illegal Miss. Monet. I will look past the lies if you can admit the truth to yourself right now. Admit that since the hotel you haven't been able to get me out or your head."

He was right. I hadn't been able to stop thinking about him since that night, but what he said turned on a switch in my head. I don't know who the hell this man was, but no one speaks to me that way and gets away with it. I couldn't let Theo know he had any affect on me. I wouldn't cave or throw in the towel just because he had me pinned to a wall and it sent my mind spiraling into the things he could do to me in this bathroom. I would confess for no sins, and I sure as hell would not let this egotistical asshole think he has any leverage against me.

"I feel terrible the cause for your distractions at work were me. If I had known you were missing me I would have reached out and cleared the air. What do you want to happen here Theo? Do you want a confession? Should I climb into your arms, and let you drive me away from here to another one of your dad's hotels? I know you were hoping I was lying awake all night dreaming you were next to me, but I was a little busy with work to stop and think about you all day long." I spat. "Here's what's going to happen. I will walk back to our table and sign the contract with your father. I will do everything in my power to protect those you care about, and if you get in my way I will unleash a new kind of hell onto you. You'll regret the day you crossed paths with me. You don't scare me in the slightest and I will not let a man whose own father doesn't trust him enough to take over his business intimidate me into submission.." I said to him coldy.

He was speechless. I knew he wanted to rebuttal, but I wasn't going to give him the chance.

"I should get back to the table before your father sends someone to look for me." I told him as I took my hands off of his chest and grabbed the back of his neck. I gave him a kiss on the cheek, and slid out of his arms back to the table.


After returning to the table Mr. Romano and I finished negotiations. I would stay with his family until Alfie healed. He briefly explained the issues they were having, and told me once I had moved in and settled he would schedule a briefing to meet everybody and get some more information about the situation.

"Why don't you spend tomorrow packing and getting things ready and Alfie will bring you home in the evening. I trust it will only take the evening to get settled at the house, and we can begin work the day after tomorrow." Mr. Romano said.

"Of course, sounds good. I'll head home and see all of you tomorrow. I am looking forward to working with the both of you." I said as I scanned to Theo.

I gave Alfie a kiss on the cheek goodbye, gave a handshake to Mr. Romano and gave my best wishes to Theo. I wanted to leave as soon as possible. Dinner had dragged on, and I was drained.

"Alfie, I'll see you at my place tomorrow." I said.

After our goodbyes I hurried out of Luna's and ran down the block not stopping until I entered a dark alley to catch my breath. This was going to be impossible. I barely got through one dinner with the man. How was I going to work with him on a daily basis?

After catching my breath I flagged down a cab and headed home to pack. 

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