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"This is the last time I'm asking nicely, Theo. Get up!" Charlie shouted at me.

I ignored him for another time and thankfully heard him leave. I knew what he wanted. He wanted me to go to the meeting with Dad and the boys, but I wasn't in the mood. I was hungover, and the last thing I wanted to do was work.

I thought Charlie had taken the hint and left me alone, but I was wrong. Out of nowhere ice cold water was poured all over me and my bed.

"What the hell?!" I screamed. I jumped off my bed, and wiped the water out of my face. I looked up and saw Charlie holding a bucket in his hand.

"Great, you're up. The meeting is at ten, don't be late." He said as he left.

"I'm going to fucking kill you Charlie!" I yelled at him as he left my room.

With my bed soaked there was no chance of going back to bed, so I changed into some dry clothes and headed to the kitchen for something to make this headache go away.

I had been avoiding work because it reminded me of Amelia. I couldn't even think about the Petrovs without losing my shit. I had done my best to avoid the others, but I knew Dad needed me to get back to work. I was in Dad's office completely zoned out. They were talking about some attack, but I was busy thinking about Amelia. Was she ok? I know Alfie found her, but he was avoiding me which means she wasn't coming back. I really thought he would be the one to bring her back. Thinking about Alfie reminded me of our fight the night before. All I remember was him refusing to tell me where she was. I might have hit him? I'm not sure, and I'm too afraid to ask what else I did.

I can't believe she left. I wanted to be angry at her, but I wasn't. I just wanted to know she was ok. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened to her because of my family. Her dad knows she was working with us. If anything happens to her it's all our fault.

"Theo." I heard someone say. Gio hit me with his elbow trying to bring my focus back to the table.

"It wouldn't kill you to at least pretend to pay attention." My dad said, annoyed.

"I am paying attention." I lied.

My dad rolled his eyes, and continued talking to Marcus.

"We know the Petrov's are going after our supply factory, so until we know when I want double the men working there." Dad ordered.

"That's a terrible idea." A familiar voice said.

All of us snapped our heads towards the voice. There in the doorway stood Amelia.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Alfie asked, shocked just like the rest of us.

"I came to help you. I know Barboza better than anyone else, and you'll need me to win against the Petrovs." Amelia said.

I was in shock. Amelia was actually standing in front of me. It wasn't a dream or hallucination. I was paralyzed. After speaking she looked right at me. We locked eyes, and for what felt like an eternity neither of us looked away.

"Are you here to stay this time?" Lorenzo asked, skeptical to be seeing Amelia again.

"Yes. I'm not going anywhere. And I'm sorry to you, Lorenzo, for leaving in the first place. I had a few things I needed to figure out. If you'll forgive me, I would like to stay and help you with the Petrovs."

"Well then, have a seat." My father said to her.

Amelia walked over to our table and had a seat next to Alfie. She pulled out a small hard drive from her pocket and tossed it to Marcus.

Sufferable AcceptanceWhere stories live. Discover now