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I thought I had seen Theo as angry as he could get, but the past few days proved I had barely touched the surface. Lately Theo had been mad at everyone, including his family. He was short with Marcus and Charlie, he fought with his dad on everything, and he spent no time with the twins. Usually he made an effort to spend a few minutes with them, but he had done a really good job of avoiding everybody. The person he avoided the best was me. Unless we were in a meeting with Lorenzo and the guys he ignored me completely.

Lorenzo didn't take the news about Nikolas well. He added personal security all around the house, and for Theresa and the kids. He was only letting Charlie out for work, and Sophia was only allowed to go to school.

We were almost positive Dominic and Nikolas were working together. Charlie and I spent most of our days tailing Dominic. He had a few visitors to the store throughout the day, but when he left at night we lost him. It wouldn't be safe to follow him wherever he was staying outside of the bookstore. The bookstore was usually quiet, but today it was busy. We saw three different groups of men going in. While watching the store Charlie called Lorenzo to let him know something was up. Dad added a few men to each warehouse and shipping dock. He wanted to be prepared should something happen again.

Charlie and I decided to call it a night and go back to the house.

When we got home Theresa had just finished dinner. She was calling everyone to the table when she saw us walk in.

"Oh good you're back. Charlie, will you go get the twins from their room? And Amelia please go grab Theo. Tell him dinner isn't optional tonight." She asked the both of us.

I was going to tell her I would rather burn my hand off on the stove than go talk to Theo, but I didn't want to be rude.

I took my time walking up the stairs and down the hallway to his room.Finally, I stood in front of his door and had no choice but to knock.

"Come in." Theo said from the other side of the doors.

I walked into Theo's room to find it empty.

"Hello?" I asked into the room.

Theo walked out of his bathroom and into the room wearing only a towel. It hung low on his hips showing all of his tattoos. I had forgotten just how hot this man was. Theo had been carved by the Gods. It was so unfair. How could a man so gorgeous be given such a shit personality. It was a shame to watch that body go to waste.

"Can I help you?" He asked with a smirk on his face. Damn it, he caught me staring.

"Your mom told me to come get you for dinner." I said, trying to stare only at his eyes.

"I can't. I'm going out tonight." He responded, grabbing a shirt from his closet.

"She said it wasn't optional." I told him.

He groaned with annoyance.

"I'll be down in five." He said.

I quickly left his room not wanting to be in there with him any longer.

Dinner was short. The twins told a few stories about their day and Lorenzo and Theresa filled each other in on things around the house, but other than that it was quiet. I got the sense everyone was tired from working over time the past few weeks.

Suddenly Theo sat up from his chair and grabbed his plate.

"I'm heading out. I'll be with Marcus and Gio if you need anything." Theo said to the table.

Theo came back to the dining table to give Theresa a kiss on the cheek. As he walked past the table he stopped to push his chair in. As he leaned over the chair he whispered something in my ear.

"Don't wait up." He said.

He gave a wink to me as he left the room. What an ass.


Theo didn't come home until four in the morning. I woke up to hear Marcus and Theo tripping over their own feet in the hallway.

I went out to see what was going on.

"Oh good, Amelia you're here. Will you get Theo here to bed? I feel like my head's going to explode, I gotta go." Before I could say no Marcus threw Theo onto me and stumbled into one of the guest rooms. It was amazing how the two of them had even made it this far.

"Come on, let's go." I said to Theo as I grabbed him by the waist throwing an arm over my shoulders. He was heavy, and drunk Theo felt like I was carrying dead weight. I barely got him to his bed. I let him fall down and then I swung his feet onto the bed.

I tried taking off his suit and shirt, but he kept swatting me away.

I got his shoes off and his pants, then tried one more time to get his shirt off. It stunk of alcohol and smoke. It would ruin the bed sheets to sleep in. Again, I was met with Theo trying to push me off.

"No.." He said, barely conscious. "Leave me alone, Amelia."

"Theo please just let me get your shirt off then I'll leave you alone I promise." I tried to reason.

"No it hurts." Theo said.

"What hurts Theo? Did you get hurt at the bar? I don't see anything, is it your head?" I asked, trying to find somewhere on his body that looked injured.

"No.. it hurts when you do things like this." He said.

I paused taking my hands off his shirt to look down at him.

"Making me food, holding me at night, acting like you care about me... it all hurts." Theo admitted.

"What?" I asked.

"Just stop it. It hurts to be near you when I can't be with you." He said, closing his eyes.

I doubt Theo knew what he was saying, and I was sure he wouldn't remember this in the morning. Not wanting to upset him any more I left his room. I don't know if it made me happy or sad to know that Theo was suffering just as much as I was.

Sufferable AcceptanceWhere stories live. Discover now