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Sitting in his car I was afraid to move. For as long as I had been working I was accustomed to the lavish lifestyle, but this was different. This was a different type of money. So, I was right, criminal or movie star. Considering I didn't recognize him it had to be the former. I tried to distract myself from the leather seats, and the low rumble of an engine that costs more than my house as we pulled up to a hotel. A young boy ran to Theo's side of the car and took his keys from him. Theo walked over to my door and held my hand as he pulled me out of the car. Great, I was done worrying about ruining his expensive car, but now I had to worry about breaking something in this hotel. We walked through the lobby and received nothing but stares. It was intimidating, but he seemed unfazed. Before, in the bar, he was kind and affectionate, but walking through the lobby he was distant and professional. It was clear his image was worth protecting. I followed two steps behind him towards the elevator. The ding of the elevator rung and we stepped in. He wasted no time pulling me close to him as soon as the door closed. I put my hand on his chest asking him to pause.

"Wait, hold on, I know it was me who followed you here, and me who ran out of the bar with you, but maybe before we go any further I should know a little bit more about you" I questioned.

"We're 10 floors from my penthouse, and you want to play 20 questions?" He chuckled.

"Well no, but I know nothing about you. What do you do for a living, what were you celebrating back at the bar?" I asked.

"I work in finance", he was quick to respond, "and as for the celebration my men and I had just closed a deal we had been working on for months".

Finance... finance my ass. He lied, but that made me feel better. It would be easier leaving in the morning knowing we were both liars.

The doors to his room opened and I heard my jaw hit the floor. Wow, it was stunning. Every corner of his penthouse was gold or marble. Every object was spotless, nothing was out of place. The living room was dimly lit with a small electric fireplace glowing. The dining room was set up and ready for a dinner party with beautiful china and silverware, but if I had to guess it went unused for most of the year. Theo led me to his room, like the rest of the house it was beautiful but dark. There were no signs of a human having lived here. No pictures, no collectables, nothing to prove a human spent their time there. The bedroom doors were heavy oak, and a matching pair of doors sat adjacent to the bedroom. From the small crack in the doors I guessed it was an office, Theo's office. Theo closed his bedroom doors, turned on the low lights and grabbed my waist pulling me close.

We were entangled in each other's arms just a few minutes prior in the bar, but it felt like ages since Theo's hands were on my body. Without separating ourselves from each other we stumbled back onto his bed. My knees crashed into the side of the bed and I fell onto my back. I laid there while Theo looked down at me savoring every second. He quickly took off his suit jacket and threw it onto a small chair in the corner of the room. He lowered himself onto me with his hands at either side of my face. He sunk into a kiss. Now propped up by his elbows, we fought with each other for dominance, he won. He teased me with every kiss. Just as he would pick up the pace and kiss me deeper he would stop. It was driving me crazy. He knew what he was doing because when I stuck my hand in his hair and pulled him into me, he gave a small smile. He took his left arm and scooped it underneath me, throwing me onto him. I was now on top of him as he laid on the bed. I had a chance to take back the power of the situation. I propped myself up and slowly leaned in a few times. Each time I went in for the kiss I diverted and ended up leaving small kisses on his neck or chest. Now, he was the angry one. I teased him for a little while, each time getting more and more sloppy with the kiss.

"Elenaaaa", he murmured a few times as I left small kisses on his jaw. Before I could finish teasing him he sat up. Almost throwing me off of him by accident, but he caught me in his lap. I straddled him and hooked my arms behind his neck. This was the closest we had dared to get to each other. While we kissed holding each other he slowly trailed his hands to the zipper of my dress. He slowly unzipped my dress and slid each of my straps off of my shoulders. My left strap fell as he left a kiss on my shoulder that gave me the chills. Next came the right strap as he repeated his actions. My dress fell off my chest and left me exposed.

His touch fell soft as he let his fingers linger over my chest, slowly drawing circles on my breast. He lost himself in thought and I had to pull him back into the moment. After pulling him back there was no slowing down. That small fire in my stomach from earlier had ignited and my whole body was a blaze. I know he felt it too, that spark, that heat, it consumed us.

I stood up, slipped my dress off and laid on his bed. He undid his pants and began unbuttoning his shirt. The more he uncovered the more I could see of him. He was covered in tattoos. While he took his shirt off I gazed at the masterpieces on his skin. Each tattoo telling a story, and giving me a little bit better idea of who this man really was.

Once his shirt was off, he hovered over me once again. He pushed my hair out of my face and looked straight into my soul before crashing his lips into mine. While kissing, he grabbed my hips and pulled me close to his. He took his hand and slid it down lower, and lower, and lower until he found what he was looking for causing me to moan and arch my back out of instinct. He played with me for a few minutes continuing to tease, I grabbed onto his shoulder hoping that would cause him to continue and end the teasing.

"What's wrong baby? You look upset, just tell me what you want and I'll continue" he grinned.

"You already know." I panted.

"Baby, I never make assumptions, I need to hear you say it, say my name Elena, and I'll give you what you want" he said.

"Please, Theo, you. I want you.." I whispered half hoping he couldn't hear me begging. Thankfully, he didn't make me ask twice.

I laid there, catching my breath looking up at his mosaic marble ceiling unable to speak. He looked up at me, that devil of a smirk on his face knowing what he'd done to me, but I couldn't let him win.

My turn. 

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