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I sat at the table, less than amused with the conversation. Gio and Marcus were fighting about some bet they made when they were drunk last, and Gio wasn't willing to hold up his end of the deal. I zoned out because I couldn't take the bickering anymore. I had considered just leaving and calling it a night when she walked in. Those hips, that dress, those eyes. They were mesmerizing. What was she doing here? I had never seen her before, and I know that because I would have remembered someone like, like that! As hard as I tried I couldn't look away. I, Theo Romano, was flustered and it was getting harder and harder to hide by each passing second. I spent the whole night trying to think of something to say to her. I needed something I could use to start the conversation, but my mind was blank. She had paralyzed me. Unable to find the words, I resorted back to staring. She sat at her table alone. She looked tired. She played with the straw in her drink, thinking long and hard about something. Her long brown hair fell down past her shoulders, and rested on her back. The only time she moved was to sip her drink or drag her hair back behind her ear. After a while of sitting still, her posture changed, she straightened up her back and made direct eye contact with me. She gave me a warm smile, and an inviting look. Before I had time to process what I was doing I had already sat down at her table.

I grabbed her hand and whispered in her ear, "At risk of sounding like a cliche, you may just be the most beautiful woman I've ever seen". She blushed, it made my heart skip. This woman was dangerous. She hadn't said a word yet and already I knew she was special. She tried to hide her embarrassment, but failed and eventually spoke...

Elena, her name was Elena. I half doubted the woman sitting in front of me was a history teacher, but I was not going to be the one to doubt it. This woman had entranced me, and I could hardly stand it. I couldn't hide my desire's from her anymore. I spoke unfiltered, "Well someone's observant. But for the record sweetheart, I'm not kidding, all I've been able to think about is the despicable, dirty things I would do to you if I got you alone". It was the truth, I had spent the whole night daydreaming about her. "I wasn't focused on a waitress or a girl drunk at the bar, all I could think about was slipping this little black dress of yours off and kissing every twist and turn of your body. All I could possibly imagine was that mouth of yours holding back moans and screams of my name".

She looked startled, crap, I shouldn't have said those things. I was going to scare her off before I even had a chance to make a good impression. I had a short temper, and with Elena, somehow it grew even shorter. Before I could apologize I saw her inching closer to me, she didn't look scared or disgusted by my confession she looked excited. I saw lust in her eyes and knew that she wanted me just as bad as I wanted her. Her lips, they were soft and plump and tempting to bite. She was driving me crazy, and although she was right in front of me, I wanted her closer, I wanted to feel her warmth against my chest, feel her arms wrap around my neck.

"Let's get out of here, I know a place a bit more private" I whispered. Too afraid to hear her say no, I rushed out of the bar and headed to the car. Sure enough when I turned around to see if she had followed she was right behind me with that mischievous little smile on her face. 

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