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I took my hand off of the door, and turned back to Theo.

He shot his head up to see me still standing in front of him. We walked slowly towards each other, and met in the middle of the room.

He grabbed me and cupped my face. He kissed me hard. I kissed back. I was ready to admit to myself that I needed Theo. He smiled as he kissed me. We stayed standing there, and then taking a break, he looked me in the eyes and told me to jump.

I wrapped my legs around him as he walked me to the bed. He laid down hovering over me. He left kisses all over my chest. He kissed up my neck, bit on my shoulders, and would tease me by kissing close to my breast.

I grabbed his hair as he teased me. I forgot how good Theo made me feel. I was impatient. I pulled Theo back up to me and started to kiss him back. Theo leaned and laid into me on the bed. I could feel his cock hardening in his pants. The longer we kissed the more impatient we became.

Theo took a break to ask me a question.

"Tell me what you want Amelia." He said with a smirk. He knew I was getting impatient, and that I wanted him.

I pulled his ear to my mouth giving it a small kiss.

"I want you Theo. I want your kisses all over my body. I want you to fuck me so hard I can't walk tomorrow." I whispered sharply in his ear.

He looked back at me with that devil grin, and started to take his clothes off. While he leaned off me I slid off my dress leaving me only in a bra and panties. Theo watched me unclip my bra, and slide it off my chest. I began to take off my panties, but he stopped me.

"No." He said. "I want to do that."

Theo ripped off my underwear, and grabbed my hips pulling me towards him. I was pulled down, lying on my back. He lifted my legs up, and let them rest on his shoulders. He paused before doing anything else. He looked up, and I gave him a nod.

"Slowly he inserted two of his fingers into me. While he stroked me he gave sloppy kisses to my thighs. He slid in and out of me before sliding my legs off his shoulders, and lowering himself. He played with my clit, as he fucked me with his fingers. I was going crazy. He swirled his tongue causing my stomach to cramp. He must have known I was close because out of nowhere he stopped what he was doing. I looked up at him confused.

"Sorry baby, but you can't cum yet..." He teased me.

Frustrated he stopped abruptly, I sat up. I waited for him to lean up and kiss me, and then I grabbed his shoulders and pulled him over me so he was the one lying on his back.

He tried to sit up, but I leaned him back. I gave him a few kisses on his lips then traveled down. I kissed his neck, and chest. I trailed my fingers down his carved stomach, and stopped at his hips. I looked up at him as I took his huge cock in my mouth.

I played with his tip by swirling my tongue just like he had done to me. I stroked him while I teased him. He let out a groan. Done with teasing him I took all of him in my mouth. I forgot how big he was. I gave a small gag which drove him crazy. He moaned my name as I continued to suck. I was running out of breath. I stroked him as I sucked him.

"Fuck." He continued to groan.

He started to twitch in my mouth, but I wanted to see how much I would push it before he couldn't handle it anymore.

Eventually he pulled me off. He pulled me up close to him, and laid me on my back. He spit on my pussy before slowly inserting himself. He started slow, with little strokes until I had adjusted to his size. He started to pick up his pace holding me as he pumped into me. He looked me in the eyes and wrapped his hand around my neck. He squeezed at the sides turning me on even more. He smirked as I let out a moan of his name.

Switching positions he flipped me over. He stuck my ass up in the air, and shoved my head into the bed. He started to stroke faster, and harder. We created a rhythm together. A while after leaning into the bed he pulled me up. Still inside me he pulled me close to him. My back was pressed to his chest as he held an arm around my chest and shoulders.

"Amelia.." He whispered in my ear.

"Hmm" I asked.

"Ride me" He begged.

I took his arm off of my chest and waited for him to lay down again. I slowly sat onto his cock. Starting slow then speeding up I continued to ride him. I was getting close when I leaned down on him for support. He closed the distance between us, and took over. I laid on him giving him kisses and his strokes started to get sloppy. He continued his pace, and started moaning letting me know he was close. I gripped his shoulders, when he told me he was close. His moans letting me know he was about to cum were enough to send me over the edge.

"I'm close Theo" I whimpered.

That set him off. Almost immediately after, he released, and we both collapsed. I twitched and spasmed as he held me. He pulled hair off my forehead and gave me a few sloppy kisses.

"Fuck.." he said with an exhale.

I just laid there on his chest trying to steady my breathing. 

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