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"Please," Alfie begged through the phone.

"No," I said as I grabbed my coffee from the counter and sat down at a small table in the middle of the coffee shop. "you know my rules, I don't do protection, specialty hits only" I tried to explain to him.

I was surprised to hear from Alfie. He had cut communication with me after his accident. We had only spoken briefly a few times over the past few months, and it was never about work. He wasn't ready to talk about it yet. I tried to reach out and see if there was anything I could do for him, but he wouldn't even pick up the phone. "You don't get to just call me MONTHS after ghosting me asking for a favor. I don't want anything to do with the Romanos. I told you not to take the job with them in the first place, and look where it got you!" I shouted instantly regretting it.

Alfie's line when quiet. 

"Sorry Alfie I didn't mean that, you know that's not what I meant. I'm just saying it's not my style to do protection. It's too much for me. I work better on the other end. I wouldn't be much help to them. And don't even try to convince me by bringing up how much they're willing to pay, it won't work. I'm sorry" I said. 

"Look, I get it," he said, "you're a woman of mystery, protection isn't your style, fine. But, I would be there with you. You would work alongside me until I was ready to get back to work. I would walk you through everything. Please Amelia, the Romanos are like family to me. They were the first family that was ever good to me. Lorenzo has treated me like another son, and I couldn't live with myself if something happened to my family. You don't know what it feels like. I'm defenseless, useless. I cut you off after the accident because... because I couldn't face you. I knew you would have done anything you could to make me feel better, to help me heal, but there was nothing anyone could do for me. I thought for sure my career with the Romanos was finished. I thought they would throw me out before I was even off my crutches, but they didn't. I owe it to Lorenzo and his family to help them now that they need me. Forget the money, or the fact that you only take hit jobs. Do this for me. I need you Amelia, please." Alfie begged. 

I sat in silence for a few minutes convincing myself of another choice, but I knew there was none. Alfie was the only family I had. He knew I would do anything for him. I couldn't say no to him now that he needed me. 

"You'll be there with me through the whole job?" I asked. "You'll prep me and train with me, and work with the Romanos with me?"

"YES, YES, YES oh my gosh yes 100% I'll be there, just call me and I'll run to you wherever you are. Well, maybe slow jog to you, I'm still working out some issues with my leg." He said ecstatically. 

"Ok, fine, tell Mr. Romano I'll meet with him to see if it would be a good fit. He knows protection isn't my day job right? I don't want him getting upset to find out it's not my area of specialty." I asked Alfie, half regretting my decision. 

"He doesn't care. He says a friend and colleague of mine is a friend to the family. Don't worry you're going to love them! Mrs. Romano is a gem, and an incredible baker. You'll gain ten pounds eating her desserts. Their four kids are incredible too, just watch out for their oldest, he's got a short temper, and takes a while to warm up to. I've worked with him for years, and I still know nothing about what goes on in that mind of his" Alfie warned. "And just to warn you now, don't try to seduce him or fall in love with him. He's nothing but trouble. Trust me you'll do good to steer clear of the underboss".

"Well you don't have to worry about that problem Alfie. I'm still trying to get over that dreamy Mr. Sunrise guy. I'd be lying if I told you I wasn't thinking about him every chance I got." I admitted. 

"Ohhh, you're still getting over HIM? That was weeks ago Amelia. Remind me to take you out as soon as you move in!" Alfie said. "It isn't like Miss Monet to pine over a guy for so long".

"I'm not pining Alfie, just savoring. You and I both know I work better solo. It was just a fun night, so sue me if I have a hard time getting him out of my mind." I said trying to convince Alfie and myself. 

"Sure," he said mocking me, "just keep an eye out for the meeting info. Once I confirm it with Mr. Romano I'll text you, bye gotta go!" Alfie said before hanging up and leaving me to wonder if this plan was a mistake. 


A week had gone by before hearing from Alfie again. 

*From: A*

Luna's 7:30.

Don't be late. They don't like being kept waiting.

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