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The closer I drove to dad's the more anxious I got. I was so young when I left. I would feel better about this whole situation if I wasn't injured. I could take on my dad no problem if I was healthy, but today I was walking into a situation with a big disadvantage. I drove through my old neighborhood. Everything looked the same. I pulled up to the entrance and was stopped by the guards at the front gate. I didn't have to say anything because in seconds someone higher up in command came over and let me in.

I drove through the area and received nothing but stares. No one dared to look at me for too long. They knew who I was. I made it all the way to the main building. I received more stares as I walked into the building. I made my way over to a large desk with multiple receptionists.

A young woman looked up from her computer and gave a polite smile.

"Good evening, may I help you?"

"I'm here to see Xavier Barboza."

"And do you have an appointment?" She asked me.


The woman walked away from her desk, and left me waiting there. The receptionist returned with two men similar in height and build.

One of them spoke, "Right this way please. We will take you up to Mr. Barboza."

I followed them to the elevator and stood in silence with them all the way up to the top floor.

The elevator pinged and the doors opened. I was the only one to move. The two men stayed in the elevator. I turned left out of the elevator and walked to where I remembered Dad's office being. The office was less busy than usual. Everyone must have already gone home. The fewer people here the better.

I walked a long hallway and stood right in front of two glass doors. I could see Dad's figure walking around in the room.

Before opening the doors I took a deep breath. Relax Amelia, you can do this. The door swung open and I was now face to face with Xavier Barboza. Only a desk and twenty feet of space stood between us.

"Amelia." He grinned. "Welcome back!" He tried to take a step towards me, but his actions made me take a step back. He saw me move away from him, and stood still.

"I knew you would make the right decision and come back to me." He said.

"I'm not coming back. I'm here to ask you to stop your attacks on the Romanos." I said with a shaky breath.

"Why don't you have a seat and we can discuss our options." He said pointing to the chair in front of his desk.

I walked over slowly, and sat down. The longer I kept him talking, the more time Theo had.

"How have you been? I've missed you so much." He lied.

"I'm not here to talk about me. I'm here to negotiate."

"Amelia, we haven't spoken in years. Don't I deserve to know how my daughter is doing?" He asked.

"Ok Dad.." I said sarcastically. "You want to know how I've been? Where should I catch you up from? The day I found out Mom died because of you, or when I ran away, or when you tried to have Theo and his mom killed?"

"Amelia, your mother's death was a tragedy. No one could have predicted it."

"Is that what you tell yourself to help you sleep at night?"

"Watch your tone with me Amelia. I am still your Father. I won't tolerate this disrespectful attitude for much longer." He said, raising his voice.

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